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How should I handle authentication with Nancy?


I started coding a LoginModule for Nancy, but it occurred to me that possibly I need to perform authentication a different way. Is there an accepted way of doing auth in Nancy? I am planning two projects right now: web and json service. I will need auth for both.

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Byron Sommardahl Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 16:11

Byron Sommardahl

2 Answers

As Steven writes Nancy supports basic and form auth out of the box. Have a look these two demo apps to see how to do each: https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/tree/master/samples/Nancy.Demo.Authentication.Forms and https://github.com/NancyFx/Nancy/tree/master/samples/Nancy.Demo.Authentication.Basic

From the second of those demos here is a module that requires auth:

namespace Nancy.Demo.Authentication.Forms
  using Nancy;
  using Nancy.Demo.Authentication.Forms.Models;
  using Nancy.Security;

  public class SecureModule : NancyModule
    public SecureModule() : base("/secure")

        Get["/"] = x => {
            var model = new UserModel(Context.CurrentUser.UserName);
            return View["secure.cshtml", model];

and a bootstrapper snippet that sets up form auth in the request pipeline:

    protected override void RequestStartup(TinyIoCContainer requestContainer, IPipelines pipelines, NancyContext context)
        // At request startup we modify the request pipelines to
        // include forms authentication - passing in our now request
        // scoped user name mapper.
        // The pipelines passed in here are specific to this request,
        // so we can add/remove/update items in them as we please.
        var formsAuthConfiguration =
            new FormsAuthenticationConfiguration()
                RedirectUrl = "~/login",
                UserMapper = requestContainer.Resolve<IUserMapper>(),

        FormsAuthentication.Enable(pipelines, formsAuthConfiguration);
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Christian Horsdal Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 20:11

Christian Horsdal

I created an example forms auth web application with user management with Nancy for my own learning. It's on Github here if you want to play with it.


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Norbert Norbertson Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 18:11

Norbert Norbertson