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How should be test with phpunit for xss + sql injection?

How should be test with phpunit php web application for xss + sql injection? I thinking to find program that output xss+ other attacks to test my application forms. This program/service should be all time updated with new xss and other new attacks. Does such service/program exist, if not how it done today? Please give some examples if you can.

(I use php 5.3 + zend framework + mysql)


I asking about testing!and not prevent techniques that I also know.



like image 990
Ben Avatar asked Mar 13 '11 23:03


People also ask

Where do I put PHPUnit test?

You can run all the tests in a directory using the PHPUnit binary installed in your vendor folder. You can also run a single test by providing the path to the test file.

What is SQL injection testing?

SQL injection is a code injection technique that might destroy your database. SQL injection is one of the most common web hacking techniques. SQL injection is the placement of malicious code in SQL statements, via web page input.

What to unit test?

Unit testing is a software development process in which the smallest testable parts of an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation. This testing methodology is done during the development process by the software developers and sometimes QA staff.

Why write unit tests?

They enable you to catch bugs early in the development process. Automated unit tests help a great deal with regression testing. They detect code smells in your codebase. For example, if you're having a hard time writing unit tests for a piece of code, it might be a sign that your function is too complex.

1 Answers

I don't think you can easily do unit tests for this kind of thing. It would require that your application is written in a way conducive to mocking its component parts and definitely involve a great deal of continuous manual work (making sure there's tests and mocks for everything, testing for the myriad flavors of attacks, etc etc).

The only certain thing is that if you can get some automated tool of broad scope that's always up-to-date, whoever gave it to you didn't charge enough.

The forms of protecting against such attacks are pretty well known and easy to utilize:

  • Always escape variables in sql, or better yet use prepared statements
  • If you do not need to accept and preserve HTML input, always htmlspecialchars any variable that goes into HTML (note that there are many formats such as BBCode, MarkDown, Textile etc whose sole purpose is to allow a useful subset of formatting options without opening Pandora's box)
  • If you absolutely, most certainly need to accept, store and serve HTML data then there's HTMLPurifier that can help -- but do that only as a last resort

Therefore, I 'd say that it's much better value for your time to make sure that you follow these practices/use these tools.

Furthermore, if you funnel all access to these two subsystems (sql and HTML output) through a well-defined part of your application (database access methods that escape all input no matter what; HTML output functions that in the same manner escape input variables and inject them into a provided "HTML template" that you subsequently echo) then it becomes easy to unit test these subsystems. Decent PHP frameworks already do this.

At this point, the only real chance of introducing a vulnerability is by circumverting or misusing these subsystems. In my opinion you are better off spending effort on specifying and following good coding practices that writing unit tests to prevent vulnerabilities in your business logic (unit tests for you sanitization code are of course another thing entirely).

Finally, there are automated SQL injection tools and XSS-related tools that you can use to probe web applications. But unless someone hires you to do penetration testing, it's better to use these as you would use protection in sex: use it, but don't count on it.

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Jon Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10
