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How set alpha/opacity value to color on xml drawable?

I need to set a value of opacity to a color in xml drawable. But when i try to add the two values of opacity (#20C0C0C0) for example, don't work. The color appeares totaly transparent.

Here is my code...

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>   <shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >      <corners         android:radius="2dp" />      <solid         android:color="#CDCDCD" />      <stroke         android:width="2dp"         android:color="@android:color/darker_gray" />      <size          android:height="60dp"         android:width="80dp"/>    </shape> 

Anyone have an idea? Thanks for your help.

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Ricardo Graça Avatar asked May 17 '13 14:05

Ricardo Graça

People also ask

How do I change the color of a drawable in xml?

Use app:drawableTint="@color/yourColor" in the xml instade android:drawableTint="@color/yourColor" .

What is alpha value in color?

The alpha component specifies the transparency of the color: 0 is fully transparent, and 255 is fully opaque. Likewise, an A value of 255 represents an opaque color. An A value from 1 through 254 represents a semitransparent color. The color becomes more opaque as A approaches 255.

Is opacity and alpha the same?

Actually "opacity" means "value of alpha-channel" of your UIView . When a view is fully opaque this means its alpha = 1 , when a view is fully transparent (non-opaque) its alpha = 0 . As about properties of CALayer and UIView in Cocoa, yes, they provide the same functionality.

How do I change the opacity of a view?

This example demonstrates how to Set opacity for View in Android . Step 1 − Create a new project in Android Studio, go to File ⇒ New Project and fill all required details to create a new project. Step 2 − Add the following code to res/layout/activity_main. xml.

1 Answers

i may be a little late, but if someone else comes to this post and is looking for some alpha values. Jared Rummler did the work and provids us with every posibile value https://stackoverflow.com/a/27813407/5973229

So he uses this Method to calculate every opacity value in Hex code:

for (double i = 1; i >= 0; i -= 0.01) { i = Math.round(i * 100) / 100.0d; int alpha = (int) Math.round(i * 255); String hex = Integer.toHexString(alpha).toUpperCase(); if (hex.length() == 1) hex = "0" + hex; int percent = (int) (i * 100); System.out.println(String.format("%d%% — %s", percent, hex)); 

And then this is the Result:

100% — FF 99% — FC 98% — FA 97% — F7 96% — F5 95% — F2 94% — F0 93% — ED 92% — EB 91% — E8 90% — E6 89% — E3 88% — E0 87% — DE 86% — DB 85% — D9 84% — D6 83% — D4 82% — D1 81% — CF 80% — CC 79% — C9 78% — C7 77% — C4 76% — C2 75% — BF 74% — BD 73% — BA 72% — B8 71% — B5 70% — B3 69% — B0 68% — AD 67% — AB 66% — A8 65% — A6 64% — A3 63% — A1 62% — 9E 61% — 9C 60% — 99 59% — 96 58% — 94 57% — 91 56% — 8F 55% — 8C 54% — 8A 53% — 87 52% — 85 51% — 82 50% — 80 49% — 7D 48% — 7A 47% — 78 46% — 75 45% — 73 44% — 70 43% — 6E 42% — 6B 41% — 69 40% — 66 39% — 63 38% — 61 37% — 5E 36% — 5C 35% — 59 34% — 57 33% — 54 32% — 52 31% — 4F 30% — 4D 29% — 4A 28% — 47 27% — 45 26% — 42 25% — 40 24% — 3D 23% — 3B 22% — 38 21% — 36 20% — 33 19% — 30 18% — 2E 17% — 2B 16% — 29 15% — 26 14% — 24 13% — 21 12% — 1F 11% — 1C 10% — 1A 9% — 17 8% — 14 7% — 12 6% — 0F 5% — 0D 4% — 0A 3% — 08 2% — 05 1% — 03 0% — 00 
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Bernard Covic Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Bernard Covic