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How secure is a HTTP POST?

Is a POST secure enough to send login credentials over?

Or is an SSL connection a must?

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Matt Avatar asked Jun 17 '09 18:06


People also ask

Is HTTP post more secure than GET?

GET is less secure than POST because sent data is part of the URL. POST is a little safer than GET because the parameters are stored neither in the browser history nor in the web server logs.

Is HTTP really not secure?

Why HTTPS? The problem is that HTTP data is not encrypted, so it can be intercepted by third parties to gather data passed between the two systems. This can be addressed by using a secure version called HTTPS, where the S stands for Secure.


The GET request is marginally less secure than the POST request. Neither offers true "security" by itself; using POST requests will not magically make your website secure against malicious attacks by a noticeable amount. However, using GET requests can make an otherwise secure application insecure.

Is HTTPS POST request encrypted?

While HTTPS encrypts the entire HTTP request and response, the DNS resolution and connection setup can reveal other information, such as the full domain or subdomain and the originating IP address, as shown above. Additionally, attackers can still analyze encrypted HTTPS traffic for “side channel” information.

1 Answers

SSL is a must.

POST method is not more secure than GET as it also gets sent unencrypted over network.

SSL will cover the whole HTTP communication and encrypt the HTTP data being transmitted between the client and the server.

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Gumbo Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 18:10
