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how scala folding works?

I am trying to understand the following code but can't.

it is supposed to create a child actor for an Event if it does not exist, otherwise says that the Event exist as it as an associated child actor.

context.child(name).fold(create())(_ => sender() ! EventExists)

But the fold here does not make sense to me. If the context.child is emtpty we get the creation and i understand that. However if there is children we are still going to create why ?

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MaatDeamon Avatar asked May 01 '16 19:05


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What is foldLeft and foldRight in Scala?

In Scala, we can use foldLeft and foldRight methods for collection types like List . Both methods recursively combine items into another item. foldLeft combines items from left one to right one, on the other hand foldRight does this from right one to left one.

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The Scala foldLeft method can be used to iterate over a data structure and perform multiple operations on a Spark DataFrame. foldLeft can be used to eliminate all whitespace in multiple columns or convert all the column names in a DataFrame to snake_case.

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2.2. reduceLeft is used to reduce a collection by applying a function to each element in order to combine them and return a single result. Let's have a look at the reduceLeft signature: def reduceLeft[B >: A](op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B.

1 Answers

Akka's child returns an Option

As you can see from Option's scaladoc:

fold[B](ifEmpty: ⇒ B)(f: (A) ⇒ B): B Returns the result of applying f to this scala.Option's value if the scala.Option is nonempty. Otherwise, evaluates expression ifEmpty.

Or making it more clear:

This (fold) is equivalent to scala.Option map f getOrElse ifEmpty.

So the first parameter of fold is lazy (call-by-name) and evaluates only if Option is empty. The second parameter (a function) is called only if Option is not empty.


scala> Some(0).fold({println("1");1}){_ => println("2"); 2}
res0: Int = 2

scala> None.fold({println("1");1}){_ => println("2"); 2}
res1: Int = 1

Here's some readings about:


And some critics of that approach:


But in Option.fold() the contract is different: folding function takes just one parameter rather than two. If you read my previous article about folds you know that reducing function always takes two parameters: current element and accumulated value (initial value during first iteration). But Option.fold() takes just one parameter: current Option value! This breaks the consistency, especially when realizing Option.foldLeft() and Option.foldRight() have correct contract (but it doesn't mean they are more readable).

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dk14 Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 17:09
