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How run multiple meteor servers on different ports

How can meteor run on multiple ports.For example if the meteor run on 3000 i need another meteor app run on the same terminal.Please help me.

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vamsi kr Avatar asked Oct 30 '14 07:10

vamsi kr

People also ask

Can't listen on port 3000 perhaps another meteor is running?

Can't listen on port 3000. Perhaps another Meteor is running? Running two copies of Meteor in the same application directory will not work. If something else is using port 3000, you can specify an alternative port with --port <port>.

2 Answers

You can use the --port parameter:

`meteor run --port 3030`

To learn more about command line parameters, run meteor help <command>, e.g. meteor help run.

I see you've tagged your question meteor-up. If you're actually using mup, check out the env parameter in the config file.

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Dan Dascalescu Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

Dan Dascalescu

I think the OP was referring to the exceptions caused because of locks on the mongo db. I am only on this platform for last week - and am learning as quick as I can. But when I tried running my application from the same project directory as two different users on two different ports - I got an exception about MongoDB :

Error: EBUSY, unlink 'D:\test\.meteor\local\db\mongod.lock'

The root of the issue isn't running on different ports - it is the shared files between the two instances - Specifically the database.

I don't think any of your answers actually helped him out. And .. neither can I yet.

I see two options -

First -

I am going to experiment with links to see if I can get the two users to use a different folder for the .meteor\local tree ... so both of us can work on the same code at the same time - but not impact each other when testing.

But I doubt if that is what the OP was referring to either (different users same app)...

Second - is trying to identify if I can inject into the run-mongo.js some concept of the URL / port number I am running on, so the mongodb.lock (and db of course) ... are named something like mongodb.lock-3000

I don't like the 2nd option because then I am on my own version of standard scripts.


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William Frederick Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 07:09

William Frederick