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How require authorization within whole ASP .NET MVC application

I create application where every action beside those which enable login should be out of limits for not logged user.

Should I add [Authorize] annotation before every class' headline? Like here:

namespace WebApplication2.Controllers { [Authorize]     public class HomeController : Controller {             public ActionResult Index() {             return View();         }          public ActionResult About() {             ViewBag.Message = "Your application description page.";              return View();         }          public ActionResult Contact() {             ViewBag.Message = "Your contact page.";              return View();         }     } } 

or there is a shortcut for this? What if I want to change rules for one and only action in particular controller?

like image 754
Yoda Avatar asked Jul 26 '14 12:07


People also ask

How authorization is done in MVC?

Authorization in MVC is controlled through the AuthorizeAttribute attribute and its various parameters. At its simplest applying the AuthorizeAttribute attribute to a controller or action limits access to the controller or action to any authenticated user.

1 Answers

Simplest way is to add Authorize attribute in the filter config to apply it to every controller.

public class FilterConfig {     public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)     {         filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());          //Add this line         filters.Add(new AuthorizeAttribute());     } } 

Another way is to have all of your controllers inheriting from a base class. This is something I do often as there is almost always some shared code that all of my controllers can use:

[Authorize] public abstract class BaseSecuredController : Controller {     //Various methods can go here } 

And now instead of inheriting from Controller, all of your controllers should inherit this new class:

public class MySecureController : BaseSecuredController { } 

Note: Don't forget to add AllowAnonymous attribute when you need it to be accessible to non-logged in users.

like image 193
DavidG Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 21:10
