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How reliable is h2 database? [closed]



When I ask this question, I see that the current version of H2 database was released on 07-01-2011 (very recently). That is very good & healthy. Will this pace be kept? event if the pace of new releases are slow, will it be supported by opensource community for long term?

For cost reasons, I am currently considering using Postgresql for a high performance app and H2 database seems to have the right set of features (basically whatever I need). Am not just sure if it would be a right decision to use H2. Basically my decision should be based on the long term support be it subscription based or by community.

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Muthu Avatar asked Jan 14 '11 01:01


People also ask

Is H2 database reliable?

As of 2019, H2 is a superb database. We use it in all of our standalone applications since 4 years and we see it minimizes a gap between SQLite and MySQL. It performs as fast as or faster than MySQL.

Is H2 database persistent?

H2 can be configured to run as an in-memory database, but it can also be persistent, e.g., its data will be stored on disk.

Is H2 database case sensitive?

Text comparison in MySQL is case insensitive by default, while in H2 it is case sensitive (as in most other databases). H2 does support case insensitive text comparison, but it needs to be set separately, using SET IGNORECASE TRUE. This affects comparison using =, LIKE, REGEXP.

Is H2 database production ready?

Mainly, H2 database can be configured to run as inmemory database, which means that data will not persist on the disk. Because of embedded database it is not used for production development, but mostly used for development and testing.

What is the most reliable version of H2?

In my personal experience, H2 version 1.2.147 seems very reliable, 100% success in about 60 installations, but my clients only have relatively small databases (400 MB are the bigger sizes) and my program uses only one connection (lol), only recently I started to use more than one connection but with multi_threaded false.

What are the features of H2 database?

H2 supports clustering and multi-version concurrency. It has strong security features. H2 is a disk-based or in-memory databases and tables, read-only database support, temporary tables. H2 provides transaction support (read committed), 2-phase-commit multiple connections, table level locking.

What is the difference between HSQLDB and H2?

HSQLDB keeps the database open between tests, while H2 closes the database (losing all the cache). To change that, use the database URL jdbc:h2:file:data/h2/dbbench;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1 The amount of cache memory is quite important, specially for the PolePosition test. Unfortunately, the PolePosition test does not take this into account.

Is H2 faster than other database engines?

In many cases H2 is faster than other (open source and not open source) database engines. Please note this is mostly a single connection benchmark run on one computer, with many very simple operations running against the database. This benchmark does not include very complex queries.

1 Answers

Will this pace be kept?

That's the plan.

will it be supported by opensource community for long term?

It's hard to predict the future, I guess that's why nobody replied to your question yet :-) I'm sure it will be supported, because enough people use it. H2 is used in many (open source and commercial) products. Quite many regularly reply to questions in the mailing list. H2 currently doesn't have many committers, one reason is that the users are generally happy with its features, and because the current development speed is fast enough and the code quality is good enough.

Subscription based support is currently not available, but that's planned for the future (it always was the plan to provide commercial support at some point). The reason it is not yet available is that H2 doesn't yet have enough market share to start a company.

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Thomas Mueller Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 06:10

Thomas Mueller