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How precise are Google Chrome extension statistics?

I published a Chrome Extension, but statistics are weird. At first, I realized that it doesn't count inline installation on my custom webpage.

  • Do you think that Total Current Users is precise?
  • For some days I have bigger drop of Total Current Users than number of uninstallations, which is nonsense.

Is there any way how to get precise statistics of total users, installations and uninstallations?

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Dreken Avatar asked Nov 16 '17 13:11


1 Answers

I am not sure is how precise stats in the current version of Developer Dashboard. But I know that Google working on a new version and it is already in closed-beta testing.
The new one has more detailed stats about installation sources.

Here also some steps that can help to improve your stats counting:

  1. Add Google Analytics tracking ID to your Chrome Web Store item;
  2. Track 'successCallback' event on the extensions promo website;
  3. Open a "welcome" page, hosted on your website – so you can count those who just installed the extension. Docs: chrome.runtime.onInstalled;
  4. Open a "good bye" page, after users remove your extension from a browser. So you can calc uninstall events. One more benefit - you can ask "what was wrong?". Docs: chrome.runtime.setUninstallURL.


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Denis L Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 02:10

Denis L