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How Popular is the Seam Framework


I'm using JBoss Seam Framework, but it's seems to me isn't very popular among java developers. I want to know how many java programmers here are using it, and in what kind of projects. Is as good as django, or RoR?

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Eduardo Diaz Avatar asked Aug 27 '08 14:08

Eduardo Diaz

People also ask

What is .seam website?

File used by Java Web applications supported by the JBoss Seam Framework; stores a reference to a backend servlet, which processes requests to the Web application; used for serving pages to the user through a Web browser; often used with the JavaServer Facelets technology.

What is seam technology?

SEAM is a client/server architecture that provides secure transactions over networks. SEAM offers strong user authentication, as well as data integrity and data privacy. Authentication guarantees that the identities of both the sender and the recipient of a network transaction are true.

What is Seam development?

The Social-Emotional Assessment/Evaluation Measure (SEAM™) is an assessment that focuses exclusively on social-emotional and behavioral development in young children—and provides meaningful insights to caregivers and families.

1 Answers

In our JBoss Seam in Action presentation at the Javapolis conference last year, my colleague and I said that 'Seam is the next Struts'. This needed some explanation, which I later wrote-up as Seam is the new Struts. Needless to say, we like Seam.

One indication of Seam's popularity is the level of traffic on the Seam Users Forum.

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Peter Hilton Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10

Peter Hilton