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How pinch zoom image in image zoom android? [closed]

I have to display image in an imageview. And what I want to do is just simply pinch and zoom functionality on imageview.

like image 952
Wishy Avatar asked Jun 03 '13 10:06


People also ask

How do you pinch zoom on Android?

Tap anywhere on the screen, except the keyboard or navigation bar. Drag 2 fingers to move around the screen. Pinch with 2 fingers to adjust zoom. To stop magnification, use your magnification shortcut again.

Does pinch zoom change image?

When you pinch to zoom in on a photo or a video, what you are actually doing is cropping the viewing size and making it larger. What happens then is things that used to be one pixel large will now take up four or eight or 10 or however many pixels they need in order to make the photo as large as you want it.

How do I use TouchImageView?

TouchImageViews placed in a ViewPager like the Gallery app. Mirror two TouchImageViews using onTouchImageViewListener and setZoom() . Click on TouchImageView to cycle through images. Note that the zoom state is maintained though the images are switched.

1 Answers

You can use Chrisbanes photoview library:


like image 165
Shadow Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
