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How ng-message is connected to model, and how can I show the message using ng-message?



In this plunk the objective is to show an error message based on validation in the controller (instead of the built-ins required or min-length). The message error does not display when the ng-message-exp is set.

Any idea on how to make this work or better how ng-message actually works which is tied to the error or model?


<body ng-app="ngMessagesExample" ng-controller="ctl">
  <form name="myForm" novalidate ng-submit="submitForm(myForm)">
      This field is only valid when 'aaa' is entered  
      <input type="text"
             name="field1" />
    <div ng-messages="myForm.field1.$error" style="color:red">
        <div ng-message-exp="validationError">this is the error</div>
  <button style="float:left" type="submit">Submit</button>


var app = angular.module('ngMessagesExample', ['ngMessages']);

app.controller('ctl', function ($scope) {
  $scope.submitForm = function(form) {
    if (form.field1.$modelValue != 'aaa') {
        $scope.validationError = true;
        console.log('show error');
    else {
        $scope.validationError = false;
        console.log('don\'t show error');
like image 703
ps0604 Avatar asked Feb 15 '16 04:02


People also ask

What is ng message?

Overview. ngMessages is a directive that is designed to show and hide messages based on the state of a key/value object that it listens on. The directive itself complements error message reporting with the ngModel $error object (which stores a key/value state of validation errors).

How to display error message in AngularJS?

in controller: $scope. errors = []; $scope. hasError = false; $scope.

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$dirty means the user has changed the input value, $invalid means the address itself is invalid. Therefore the error is only shown if the user has actively changed the input value to either an empty or invalid value.

What is $Setpristine in AngularJS?

Sets the form to its pristine state. This method sets the form's $pristine state to true, the $dirty state to false, removes the ng-dirty class and adds the ng-pristine class. Additionally, it sets the $submitted state to false.

3 Answers

Your main ng-messages argument is tied to myForm.field1.$error, but you never actually add an error to the form.field1.$error. So in your controller, just manually add an error to the $error object via $setValidity(field, isValid):

if ($scope.data.field1 != 'aaa') {
    form.field1.$setValidity('validationError', false);
    // Angular will make form.field1.$error.validationError = true;
else {
    form.field1.$setValidity('validationError', true);
    // Angular will make form.field1.$error.validationError = false;

Then, you can just have the ng-message directive do its work. The child elements that provide ng-message are evaluated as properties of their parent ng-messages already (note the extra s). So typically, this is used with the parent being the form element's $error object and the inner children are the properties like $error.required or in your case $error.validationError. No need for ng-message-exp here:

<div ng-messages="myForm.field1.$error" style="color:red">
    <div ng-message="validationError">this is the error</div>

Fixed plunker

like image 142
ryanyuyu Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 14:10


The more proper way to do this in controller is to use $setValidity

if(a !== b){
    form.inputName.$setValidity('custom-err', false);
} else {
    form.inputName.$setValidity('custom-err', true);

like image 38
Dmitry K Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 15:10

Dmitry K

The Dmitry K's answer it's excellent.

I´m going to expand the answer.

//Function before show your form:
        form.myFieldName.$setValidity('myCustomValidationName', false);

        //More code...

//funtion to validate field on "ng-change"

    if(xxxx == yyy) //Make your own validation{
       form.myFieldName.$setValidity('myCustomValidationName', true);
       form.myFieldName.$setValidity('myCustomValidationName', false);


And the relevant HTML code:

<form name="myFormName" novalidate>
    <md-input-container class="md-block">
        <input ng-model="ctrl.myFieldName" name="myFieldName" ng-change="ctrl.validateField(myFormName)" />

        <div ng-show="myFormName.myFieldName.$touched || myFormName.$submitted">
            <div ng-messages="myFormName.myFieldName.$error">
                <div ng-message="myCustomValidationName">this is the message to show</div>
like image 44
Pablo Sanchez Manzano Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 13:10

Pablo Sanchez Manzano