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How much time does it take for firebase analytics first report?

We wanted to try out the new analytics capabilities provided by firebase and followed all the steps in the getting started guide.

We've run the app, logged a lot of events, and it's been a few hours, yet there is no data on the dashboard - We just see a banner saying "Your analytics data will appear here soon"

How much time does it take to get our first reports, events, etc.?

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Manoj Madanmohan Avatar asked May 20 '16 13:05

Manoj Madanmohan

People also ask

How long does it take for Firebase Analytics to show up?

Once the data is uploaded it takes about 3 hours for it to appear in the dashboard.

How do I know if Firebase Analytics is working?

In the Firebase console, open your project. Select Analytics from the menu to view the Analytics reporting dashboard. The Events tab shows the event reports that are automatically created for each distinct type of event logged by your app.

Is Firebase Analytics real time?

With StreamView you can find out if a brand new feature is as well-received as you were hoping, watch the roll-out of the latest version of your app, or gauge the response to your latest re-engagement efforts - all in real-time as events are received by Firebase Analytics.

How often does Firebase Analytics update?

Your reports should refresh approximately every 4 hours.

1 Answers

It takes a few hours. I would say it takes like 4 hours or something like that, based on current experiments.

Firebase says that it can take up to 24h hours, but the docs say that the dashboard updates "a few times every day".

And if you send the Firebase events to BigQuery, they create a new dataset there everyday, but it seems that the "old" events are not sent immediately, maybe that takes a few hours too, don't know yet.

If you want to test other features, or see if Firebase is working for your app, you can force a crash, and see it in the Crash panel, cause this works almost real time.
Or you can send a notification to all users, this should work too, and it is faster than waiting for 4h or more to see if it is working really.
Remember to add the dependencies if you are going to try this:

compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-crash:9.0.0' compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:9.0.0' 
like image 196
Salvatorelab Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 23:09
