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how much data can a 5MB SQL database store?


I'm interested in using Heroku for my project. I'm not interested in paying for it at the moment but the free plan only offers a 5MB database.

Is there any measure I can use to know how many columns/rows of simple text data can be stored in a 5MB database?


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donald Avatar asked Aug 18 '10 15:08


People also ask

Can a database get too big?

Having a large database can directly affect the performance of your website. Usually, the larger the website's database is, the more time and server resources are required to query the database. This could directly affect the loading times of your website.

How many columns can a database have?

For the columns in a table, there is a maximum limit of 1024 columns in a table. SQL Server does have a wide-table feature that allows a table to have up to 30,000 columns instead of 1024.

1 Answers

A little known Heroku secret is the 5 MB is not a hard limit. You can go over it by quite a lot (by 5-10x) before Heroku will get unhappy with you.

In any case, you would be amazed how far 5 MB can get you, particularly if you are creating the data by hand. For instance, if you are storing blog posts - and let's say 20% is overhead (metadata for each blog post), you would need to write 4,000,000 characters of text before your database hit the 5 MB mark, which is more than the contents of War and Peace.

So it won't be enough if you're storing entire books in your database, but if you're writing your next novel in it, you should be good for quite a while.

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wuputah Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09
