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How many times it is ordered a IENumerable?




I know that when I iterate a IEnumerable, I iterate the source collection, so if I modified the source collection in the next iteration of the IEnumerable it has in count the modificaction.

So I am wondering how it affects that when I have a ordered IEnumerable.

For example, if I have this:

List<MyType> myNoOrderedList //add my items

IEnumerable<MyType> myOrderedIEnumerable = myNoOrderedList
  .OrderBy(x => x.Property);

foreach(MyType in myOrderedIEnumerable)
    //Do something

Supose that I have 3 elements in the list, in each iteration on IEnumerable, the list is ordered or only the list is ordered once?

What happen if in "Do something" I add or remove an item? The IEnumerable has initial ordered items or has to order again to has account the modification of the list?

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Álvaro García Avatar asked Mar 09 '23 14:03

Álvaro García

1 Answers


  1. At most once (on the materialization if any)
  2. Since you've materialized the myOrderedIEnumerable any modifications of the initial myNoOrderedList will not be seen:

Simplified example:

 List<string> initial = new List<String>() {
   "a", "z", "e", "d";

 // Nothing will be done at this point (no ordering)
 var ordered = initial.
   .OrderBy(x => x.Property);

 // ordered has not materialized here, so it'll feel Addition
 initial.Add("y"); // <- will be added into ordered 

 // Here on the first loop ordered will be materialized and since
 // initial and ordered are different collection now, we can modify 
 // initial without changing ordered
 foreach (var item in ordered) {
   if (item == "a") {



y <- before materialization

Edit: Please, notice, that materization is a tricky thing: it may be called:

  1. Immediately, at the declaration e.g. after .ToList(), .Any(), .FirstOrDefault()
  2. On the first item e.g. .OrderBy (your case)
  3. Never e.g. .Where(), .SkipWhile() - see Magnus's comment

Linq is lazy and perfom materialization as late as possible.

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Dmitry Bychenko Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 19:03

Dmitry Bychenko