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How many threads to create and when?

I have a networking Linux application which receives RTP streams from multiple destinations, does very simple packet modification and then forwards the streams to the final destination.

How do I decide how many threads I should have to process the data? I suppose, I cannot open a thread for each RTP stream as there could be thousands. Should I take into account the number of CPU cores? What else matters? Thanks.

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jackhab Avatar asked Feb 04 '09 07:02


1 Answers

It is important to understand the purpose of using multiple threads on a server; many threads in a server serve to decrease latency rather than to increase speed. You don't make the cpu more faster by having more threads but you make it more likely a thread will always appear at within a given period to handle a request.

Having a bunch of threads which just move data in parallel is a rather inefficient shot-gun (Creating one thread per request naturally just fails completely). Using the thread pool pattern can be a more effective, focused approach to decreasing latency.

Now, in the thread pool, you want to have at least as many threads as you have CPUs/cores. You can have more than this but the extra threads will again only decrease latency and not increase speed.

Think the problem of organizing server threads as akin to organizing a line in a super market. Would you like to have a lot of cashiers who work more slowly or one cashier who works super fast? The problem with the fast cashier isn't speed but rather that one customer with a lot of groceries might still take up a lot of their time. The need for many threads comes from the possibility that a few request that will take a lot of time and block all your threads. By this reasoning, whether you benefit from many slower cashiers depends on whether your have the same number of groceries or wildly different numbers. Getting back to the basic model, what this means is that you have to play with your thread number to figure what is optimal given the particular characteristics of your traffic, looking at the time taken to process each request.

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Joe Soul-bringer Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 02:10

Joe Soul-bringer