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How long has a module been in Perl core?

The module I'm actually interested in is Sys::Hostname, but as a more general question, how can I tell how long a particular module has been a core module? I'm curious about this with regards to the Perl version.

like image 658
Joel Avatar asked Aug 31 '11 15:08


People also ask

Where does perl look for modules?

Perl interpreter (which runs your perl program) will use a special array called @INC to search for a file containing the module. Each value in the @INC array is a directory name (but see note below); Perl will search within those directories in a loop using the rules specified below.

How do Perl modules work?

The perl1 compiler (yes, there is a compiler although it's interpreted language) loads files, compiles them, then switches to run time to run the compiled code. When it encounters a new file to load, it switches back to compile time, compiles the new code, and so on. To load a module at compile time, you use it.

How do I tell what Perl modules are installed on Linux?

Check installed perl modules via terminal Available commands are: l - List all installed modules m <module> - Select a module q - Quit the program cmd? Then type l to list all the installed modules, you can also use command m <module> to select the module and get its information. After finish, just type q to quit.

1 Answers

Would Module::CoreList help?

From withing Perl:

print Module::CoreList->first_release('Sys::Hostname');

From the command line:

corelist -d Sys::Hostname
like image 184
zoul Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 18:10
