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How long can await wait in an async function?

I wanted to know , how long will await wait [and hence keeps every resource in RAM] in an async function. Consider this example:

async function my_func(some_big_sized_data){
 let db_input = await gettingDBinputWhichIsDamnedSlow();
//then do some processing based on db_input and some_big_sized_data

Now what if DB keeps taking forever in replying. How long will await function wait and hold all those data [and hold up RAM in the process]? Is there a timeout of await too , or await can wait pratically infinitely ? [how to control this timeout time]

like image 945
Anurag Vohra Avatar asked Mar 03 '23 14:03

Anurag Vohra

1 Answers

await is practically a syntax sugar to consume promise. And promise can stuck pending forever, so does await. There's no builtin timeout mechanism for async/await.


async function foo() {
  await new Promise(r => r);

If you run this foo function, that await is never gonna resolve, so it never reaches console.log('complete').

But await per se doesn't hold up RAM. Whether some resources stay in RAM or got GC'ed is determined by reference count, such mechanism is not related to await.

I said there's no builtin timeout mechanism for async/await. However, since it's just syntax sugar for promise, you can wrap your gettingDBinputWhichIsDamnedSlow promise within another promise to create ad hoc timeout control manually.

await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  const timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
    reject(new Error('timeout')) 
  }, 10000) // wait 10 sec

  gettingDBinputWhichIsDamnedSlow().then(value => {
like image 139
hackape Avatar answered Mar 11 '23 06:03
