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How is the Twelve-Factor App manifesto applied to PHP projects?





I just read the Twelve-Factor App, which looks like a pretty comprehensive set of rules to apply in a web-based application. It uses python or rails in its examples, but never php... I was wondering which factors of the manifesto can be applied to PHP projects and how?


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Naoise Golden Avatar asked Nov 24 '11 18:11

Naoise Golden

People also ask

What is 12 Factor app process?

The 12 Factor App is a set of principles that describes a way of making software that, when followed, enables companies to create code that can be released reliably, scaled quickly, and maintained in a consistent and predictable manner.

What is 12 Factor principles and solid principles?

12-factor app is a methodology or set of principles for building the scalable and performant, independent, and most resilient enterprise applications. It establishes the general principles and guidelines for creating robust enterprise applications.

3 Answers

Short answer:

All points apply to PHP as the twelve factor app manifesto refers specifically for web apps.

PHP has a very hard time complying to twelve factor, in particular in the items 2, 7, 8 9 (as a side effect of 7 and 8) and 12 (partially). Actually that's the first really grounded argument I have heard in the whole "PHP sucks" rant that is common on the Ruby and Python communities (don't get me wrong, I think Ruby and Python are better languages, but I don't hate PHP, and definitively hate the "my language is better" rants.)

Being that said, it may be that your PHP project is not a web app or SaaS, but just a simple website, so you may just deem that twelve factor is not a need.

Long answer: A point-by-point analysis would be:

  1. Codebase: not an issue

  2. Dependencies: the way PEAR works goes quite against this point, as pear dependencies are installed system wide and usually you don't have a consolidated manifesto to declare them. Is also usual for a PHP setup to require you to add packages to your OS installation to get some libraries available. Finally AFAIK there isn't a tool in PHP to provide isolation like "virtualenv", "rbenv" or "rvm" (or if it exists is not popular among the PHP community) Edit: Composer (http://getcomposer.org/) seems to do the right regarding dependencies, it still doesn't isolate the PHP version, but for all the rest it should be fine.

  3. Config: some PHP frameworks are not very well suited to do this, but there are certainly others that do well, so it's not a flaw of the platform itself

  4. Backing Services: shouldn't be much of an issue, despite maybe having to hack some frameworks a little in order to manage the services as resources

  5. Build, release, run: this is totally appliable to PHP as this definitively doesn't concern only "compiling". One may argue that several projects and hosting platforms on the PHP community abuse of direct FTP, etc. but that's not a flaw of PHP itself, and there is no real impediment on doing things right regarding this item.

  6. Processes: This definitively concerns to PHP. PHP is quite capable of running purely stateless processes (the emphasis is on the word stateless), and actually several frameworks make your life easy for it. For example, symfony provides out-of-the-box session management with memcached or database storage instead of regular sessions

  7. Port binding: Over simplyfing it, this point basically demands you to reverse proxy and have the actual webserver embedded on the app instead of being a separated component. This puts PHP in a very hard position to comply. Despite there are ways to do this (see the reply about using PHP as FastCGI) that's definitively not the most common nor the best supported way to serve a PHP app as it is on other communities (e.g. Ruby, Node.js).

  8. Processes: This is not impossible in PHP. However several elements put PHP in a hard position to comply. Namely the lack of good support for items 6 and 7; the fact that the PHP API to spawn new processes isn't really very nice to work with; and specially the way Apache's mod_php handles their workers (which is by far the most common deployment schema for PHP)

  9. Disposability: If you use the right tools there is nothing inherent on PHP to prevent you from creating fast, disposable, tidy web and worker processes. However I believe that since the underlying process model is hard to implement as per points 7 and 8, then 9 becomes a bit cumbersome as a side effect

  10. Dev/prod parity: This is very platform agnostic, and I would say one of the hardest to get done right. PHP is no exception to this rule, but it doesn't have a particular impediment either. Actually most of the tools named on the manifesto can be applied to a PHP project

  11. Logs: Having your app agnostic of the log system on the execution environment is totally doable on PHP

  12. Admin processes: The most important flaw of PHP regarding this point is its lack of a REPL shell. Regarding the rest, several frameworks like Symfony allow you to program admin tasks (e.g Doctine-based database migrations) and run them on the same environment as your "regular" web envionrment.

Since the PHP community is evolving, it may be that it has already righted some of the wrongs mentioned.

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Juan Pablo Saraceno Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 03:09

Juan Pablo Saraceno

Build, release, Run: Applicable to compiled code which is not the case in PHP. So this point is not something you need to look at.

I don't claim any authority on this 12 factor stuff, but my read of that section is that the author would disagree. It's not just about compiling, it's about managing dependencies both in the small (the snapshot of the code) and in the large (any libraries the code uses).

Imagine you're a new dev and they say, "Okay, this is a custom php app, so...

a) The custom code is really two subprojects, which are in repo A and repo B.

b) You'll need to create a directory layout like so, and then

c) check the code for each subproject out into this subdirectory and this subdirectory.

d) You'll also need these three open source PHP libraries:

version 3.1 of library Foo, version 2.3 of library Bar, and version 5.6 of library Bat.

e) download them from their home project sites and unpack them, then copy them into this directory, that directory, and the other directory.

f) then you'll need to set these configurations in the external library,

g) and these configs in our two custom code projects.

h) once that's all done, tar/gzip it all up, upload it up to the QA server and untar it into htdocs.

There's no compiling going in that set of steps, but you can bet there's a lot of building.

Getting all of that set up and working is the build step.

Using tar/gzip to take a snapshot of the working build is the release step.

SCP'ing/unpacking it into the QA server's htdocs directory is the runtime step.

You might say that some of those steps above are unnecessary - the libraries should be deployed at the system level and merely imported. From the 12factors.net site I'd say the author prefers you to import them uniquely and individually for the app. It sidesteps dependency versioning problems at the cost of more disk space (not that anybody cares). There are more hassles in managing all those dependencies as local-to-the-app, but then that's the point of the build/release/runtime scheme.

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Steven J. Owens Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Steven J. Owens

It might have changed since you read it - there are a few PHP examples now, although a few of them seem like negations of the twelve-factor concept.

One of the ways that normal mod_php sites violate twelve-factor comes with VII. Port binding. From the manifesto:

The twelve-factor app is completely self-contained and does not rely on runtime injection of a webserver into the execution environment to create a web-facing service. The web app exports HTTP as a service by binding to a port, and listening to requests coming in on that port.

However, apache/php can be coaxed into this worldview with something like this:


Not perfect, but it works for the most part. To test it out, install foreman:

gem install foreman

then run it in the directory you cloned the gist into:

foreman start

then visit


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Erik Kastner Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 03:09

Erik Kastner