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How is it possible to access homepage from package.json in a react app?

I created a react app that will be served from /example-path. I defined it in the package.json like this:


It has worked so far, but now I would like to add routing with react-router-dom, and it incorrectly detects /example-path as the part of the URL.

This is my code:

    <Route path="/product/:id" children={<DisplayProduct />} />

Unfortunately react-router-dom tries to match the full URL /example-path/product/10. How is it possible to avoid that? Is it possible to access the homepage variable somehow?

I could use <Router basename="/example-path">, but in that way, this parameter is a duplicate. I would like to define it in only one place.

like image 578
Iter Ator Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 15:12

Iter Ator

2 Answers

How is it possible to access homepage from package.json in a react app?

We can access the URL set in package.json's homepage field using PUBLIC_URL environment variable.

We sometimes use a relative URL to deploy the application in subdirectories for example we are deploying the application in https://myhostname.com/example-path.

In order to do that, we can either set the environment variable PUBLIC_URL=/example-path for the application build or set the package.json homepage attribute to "/example-path". In your case, you have set the

"homepage": '/example-path/'

then the PUBLIC_URL would be set to /example-path/. Now you can access this environment variable anywhere in your react application.

<Router basename={process.env.PUBLIC_URL}>
    <Route path="/product/:id" children={<DisplayProduct />} />

After running the npm run build, you can check in the build/index.html that all the places where you used the %PUBLIC_URL% is set to /example-path/ like below;

<script type="text/javascript" src="/example-path/static/js/main.ec7f1972.js">
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Subrato Pattanaik Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 00:01

Subrato Pattanaik

The Router doesn't know anything about your package.json. It just looks at the browser location. You can set a basename if you use BrowserRouter:

import {BrowserRouter as Router} from 'react-router';
<Router basename="/example-path">
    {/* ... */}
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trixn Avatar answered Jan 11 '23 22:01
