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How is fseek() implemented in the filesystem?


This is not a pure programming question, however it impacts the performance of programs using fseek(), hence it is important to know how it works. A little disclaimer so that it doesn't get closed.

I am wondering how efficient it is to insert data in the middle of the file. Supposing I have a file with 1MB data and then I insert something at the 512KB offset. How efficient would that be compared to appending my data at the end of the file? Just to make the example complete lets say I want to insert 16KB of data.

I understand the answer varies depending on the filesystem, however I assume that the techniques used in common filesystems are quite similar and I just want to get the right notion of it.

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pajton Avatar asked Mar 13 '10 15:03


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fseek() in C/C++ with example fseek() is used to move file pointer associated with a given file to a specific position. position defines the point with respect to which the file pointer needs to be moved. It has three values: SEEK_END : It denotes end of the file.

Is fseek a system call?

it shows that fseek will call the read system call, even though I could not find it in the glibc implementation. My goal is to understand how the read system call is used here.

What does Fseek return?

The fseek function returns zero if successful. If an error occurs, the fseek function will return a nonzero value.

Which function is used to set the file position indicator for the stream to a new position?

The fseek() function changes the current file position associated with stream to a new location within the file.

2 Answers

(disclaimer: I want just to add some hints to this interesting discussion) IMHO there are some things to take into account:

1) fseek is not a primary system service, but a library function. To evaluate its performance we must consider how the file stream library is implemented. In general, the file I/O library adds a layer of buffering in user space, so the performance of fseek may be quite different if the target position is inside or outside the current buffer. Also, the system services that the I/O libary uses may vary a lot. I.e. on some systems the library uses extensively the file memory mapping if possible.

2) As you said, different filesystems may behave in a very different way. In particular, I would expect that a transactional filesystem must do something very smart and perhaps expensive to be prepared to a possible rollback of an aborted write operation in the middle of a file.

3) Modern OS'es have very aggressive caching algorithms. An "fseeked" file is likely to be already present in cache, so operations become much faster. But they may degrade a lot if the overall filesystem activity produced by other processes become important.

Any comments?

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Giuseppe Guerrini Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 03:10

Giuseppe Guerrini

Let us assume the ext2 FS and the Linux OS as an example. I don't think there will be a significant performance difference between a insert and an append. In both cases the files node and offset table must be read, the relevant disk sector mapped into memory, the data updated and at some later point the data written back to disk. What will make a big performance difference in this example is good temporal and spatial locality when accessing parts of the file since this will reduce the number of load/store combos.

As a previous answers says you may be able to speed up both operations if you deal with data writes that exact multiples of the FS block size, in this case you could skip the load stage and just insert the new blocks into the files inode datastrucure. This would not be practical, as you would need low level access to the FS driver, and using it would be very restrictive and not portable.

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PinkyNoBrain Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 01:10
