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How I can view the deleted records from a sql server table? [closed]

I need to view the deleted records (rows) from a sql server table, actually I am using this command

DBCC LOG(MyDatabase,-1)

to view the log, but I don't understand the output format.

Is there any free tool to translate the log file of an SQL server database or any documentation which shows how to interpret the information shown by the command DBCC LOG?

I am using SQL server 2008.


My objective is not recover the deleted records, I just want to see the deleted records or the delete command executed.

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Salvador Avatar asked Nov 04 '10 21:11


1 Answers

Data you are getting from DBCC LOG are in HEX format and you’ll need to convert them in order to become readable.

You can also try using fn_dblog function to read transaction log but you’ll get pretty much the same results that need to be decoded.

There is also a third party tool ApexSQL Log that can read transaction log and show all logged commands but it comes with a price.

like image 155
Igor Voplov Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 05:10

Igor Voplov