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How I can ask a specify Name Server to have the IP of a domain

For example, I have a domain name example.com hosted at some host free, and now I want to know where is the IP of the host. so I can't configure the registrar control panel to point to that IP. So is there any way to know that IP, without configure the name server to point to it. and I know the Name Server of the hosting. for example ns1.hosting.com

can I ask the specify ns1.hosting.com to get the IP of example.com


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Yuan Chen Avatar asked Oct 15 '22 06:10

Yuan Chen

1 Answers

You are asking if you can find the name of a host on a specific name server? On a *nix/OSX machine you can run dig @ns1.hosting.com example.com a in a terminal window.

On a Windows machine from the command prompt you can type nslookup server ns1.hosting.com example.com.

Or you can try an online tool like http://centralops.net/co/

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KnarG Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 01:10
