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How get pointer of struct's member from interface{}

I want to pass struct's pointer to function that expect interface{}. Then get (through reflection) the pointer to the struct's member and then modify it using this pointer. I've read a much of Q&A and tried much of variations, but still I can get it work.

Let's consider example below:

type Robot struct {
    Id int
f := func(i interface {}) {
    v :=  reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().FieldByName("Id")
    ptr := v.Addr().Pointer()
    *ptr = 100
    //^ it needs to me for functions expecting the pointer: Scan(&pointerToValue)

robot := &Robot{}
println(robot.Id) //I want to get here 100

I think the problem in poor understanding what actually do Addr() and Pointer() methods of reflect package..

like image 699
Timur Fayzrakhmanov Avatar asked Jan 16 '15 21:01

Timur Fayzrakhmanov

1 Answers

Here's a working version of function f:

func f(i interface{}) {
  v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().FieldByName("Id")
  ptr := v.Addr().Interface().(*int)
  *ptr = 100

playground example

The conversion to integer pointer goes as follows:

  • v is a reflect.Value representing the int field.
  • v.Addr() is a relfect.Value representing a pointer to the int field.
  • v.Addr().Interface() is an interface{} containing the int pointer.
  • v.Addr().Interface().(*int) type asserts the interface{} to a *int

You can set the field directly without getting a pointer:

func f(i interface{}) {
  v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().FieldByName("Id")

playground example

If you are passing the value along to something expecting interface{} (like the db/sql Scan methods), then you can remove the type assertion:

func f(i interface{}) {
  v := reflect.ValueOf(i).Elem().FieldByName("Id")

playground example

like image 183
Bayta Darell Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09

Bayta Darell