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How exactly does element.classList.contains() work in JavaScript?



I needed to use element.classList.contains('some-class') to check if an element contains at least one of three classes, so I wrote:

if (element.classList.contains('class1', 'class2', 'class3')) {
  // do stuff here

The result was - if the element has 'class1', it returns true, no matter if it has 'class2' or/and 'class3', and // do stuff here executes. However, if it has 'class2' and/or 'class3', it returns false and // do stuff here does not execute.

I worked around it with:

if (element.classList.contains('class1') || element.classList.contains('class2') || element.classList.contains('class3')) {
  // do stuff here 
like image 975
Ralitsa Velikova Avatar asked Dec 19 '14 12:12

Ralitsa Velikova

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2 Answers

This function only takes one parameter. The contains method is used to check if your classList contains a singular element. The code block that you have posted at the bottom is a good workaround. But unfortunately what you are trying to do at the top is beyond the reach of the classList API.

like image 139
Martin McKeaveney Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11

Martin McKeaveney

It tells you if the class name you pass as the first argument is one of the classes the element is a member of.

As with all JavaScript functions, you can pass as many additional arguments are you like. The contains function just doesn't do anything with them.

like image 31
Quentin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 21:11
