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how does the regex like ".*" work in perl




I am puzzled by regular expression like .*

use strict;
use warnings;

my $text = "scott";
$text =~ s/.*/\//g;
print $text;

Output: //

So, I don't know why the result is // rather than /.

like image 480
yQuery Avatar asked Oct 25 '13 07:10


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2 Answers

.* matches two times. First, it matches "scott". Then it matches the empty string after "scott".

like image 147
ysth Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 23:10


The first time through, .* matches 5 characters starting at position zero (scott). This gets replaced with /.

/g means match as many times as possible, so it tries again, this time start at position five.

The second time through, .* matches 0 characters starting at position five (empty string). This gets replaced with /.

The third time through, .* goes to matches 0 characters starting at position five (""), but there's a check that makes sure it doesn't match the same starting position and length twice in a row. So it advances the position and tries to match at position six. Since that's outside the string it fails.

like image 28
ikegami Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 21:10
