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How does the operator >+ differ from >= in SQL Server 2012

Entirely by accident today I was running a SQL statement to filter some items by date, for simplicity sake we'll say I used

FROM [TableName] 
WHERE [RecordCreated] >+ '2016-04-10'

Only after the statement ran I realised I had used >+ instead of >=, now I was confused as I would have expected an error.

I tried a couple of other variations such as

>- -- Throws an error
<+ -- Ran successfully
<- -- Throws an error

The count of rows returned was exactly the same whether I used >= or >+

After searching online I couldn't find any documentation that covered this syntax directly, only when the two operators are used apart.

The RecordCreated column is a datetime.

Is this just a nicety in syntax for a possible common mistake or is it potentially trying to cast the date as a numeric value?

like image 819
samuelmr Avatar asked Apr 19 '16 10:04


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1 Answers

This seems to be a bug with '+' operator.

As per the updates from Microsoft team,

After some investigation, this behavior is by design since + is an unary operator. So the parser accepts "+ , and the '+' is simply ignored in this case. Changing this behavior has lot of backward compatibility implications so we don't intend to change it & the fix will introduce unnecessary changes for application code.

You can find a really good answer by RGO to his own question here.

like image 170
an33sh Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
