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How does the Julia Do Syntax for functions work?

I've seen here that do syntax can be used as a more convenient way to write map() functions, but I don't understand how e.g. in the example shown in the linked julia docs :

open("outfile", "w") do io
    write(io, data)

Which works on the following function definition of 'open'

function open(f::Function, args...)
    io = open(args...)

How in the world does the do pass the io and write(io,data) to the actual function of open and f(io)? Does the function with the do block have to have the same name/be multi-dispatched for the do block to work?

like image 838
Spcogg the second Avatar asked May 13 '21 12:05

Spcogg the second

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2 Answers

It is a purely syntactical transformation.

func(x) do y

is equivalent to

func(y -> body, x)


tmp = y -> body
func(tmp, x)

if you will, i.e. the do block defines an anonymous function that is passed as the first argument. For this to work it is, of course, required that there exist a method of func that has a matching signature, for example func(f::Function, ...) = ... (or simplyfunc(f, ...) = ...).

You can inspect what is really happening by using Meta.@lower:

julia> Meta.@lower func(x) do y
:($(Expr(:thunk, CodeInfo(
    @ none within `top-level scope'
1 ─      $(Expr(:thunk, CodeInfo(
    @ none within `top-level scope'
1 ─      global var"#1#2"
│        const var"#1#2"
│   %3 = Core._structtype(Main, Symbol("#1#2"), Core.svec(), Core.svec(), false, 0)
│        var"#1#2" = %3
│        Core._setsuper!(var"#1#2", Core.Function)
│        Core._typebody!(var"#1#2", Core.svec())
└──      return nothing
│   %2 = Core.svec(var"#1#2", Core.Any)
│   %3 = Core.svec()
│   %4 = Core.svec(%2, %3, $(QuoteNode(:(#= REPL[1]:2 =#))))
│        $(Expr(:method, false, :(%4), CodeInfo(
    @ REPL[1]:2 within `none'
1 ─ %1 = print(y)
└──      return %1
│        #1 = %new(var"#1#2")
│   %7 = #1
│   %8 = func(%7, x)
└──      return %8

The output is, unfortunately, garbled with implementation details of anonymous functions: The code defines a new struct (%3), makes it callable (%4) using the body of the do block, creates an instance of it (%7), and in the end calls func(%7, x).

like image 67
fredrikekre Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11


If it helps anybody, I have also discovered through fiddling what @fredrikekre has written generally, via this example:

function func(blah::Function,baz,foo)

and you can call it as either of the following

func("a", "b") do zzz

func(zzz->vcat(uppercase.(zzz),"C"),"a", "b")

both produce the same output

3-element Vector{String}:
like image 20
Spcogg the second Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Spcogg the second