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How does the Google Docs PDF viewer work?

I am curious to know how the Google Docs PDF viewer works? It's not a flash like scribd.com; it looks like pure HTML. Any idea how do they did it?

Sample link to view the PDF

like image 212
Jeeva Subburaj Avatar asked Jan 26 '10 09:01

Jeeva Subburaj

1 Answers

Google is simply serving up an an image (right click -> save as), with an overlay to highlight text.

You should check out this SO question where others go into more detail.

You should also look through the source of your PDF link, it would appear Google are passing the PDF link through to be converted into an image.


<script type="text/javascript"> 
        var gviewElement = document.getElementById('gview');
        var config = {

          'api': false,
          'chrome': true,
          'csi': true,
          'ddUrl': "http://www.idfcmf.com/downloads/monthly_fund/2009/IDFC-Premier-Equityfund-jan10.pdf",
          'element': gviewElement,
          'embedded': false,
          'initialQuery': "",
          'oivUrl': "http://docs.google.com/viewer?url\x3dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.idfcmf.com%2Fdownloads%2Fmonthly_fund%2F2009%2FIDFC-Premier-Equityfund-jan10.pdf",
          'sdm': 200,
          'userAuthenticated': true

        var gviewApp = _createGView(config);

          window.jstiming.load.name = 'view';




Also if you were to view the PDF viewer in Firefox with Firebug, you will notice that when you 'highlight' text it's really only enabling a load of divs, I'm guessing Google scans the document using OCR, detects where the text is and provides a matrix of coordinates on which to base the div placement on, when you click and drag it introgates the mouse pointer location to determine which divs to display.

like image 65
Ben Everard Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 02:11

Ben Everard