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How does the fibonacci recursive function "work"?

I'm new to Javascript and was reading up on it, when I came to a chapter that described function recursion. It used an example function to find the nth number of the Fibonacci sequence. The code is as follows:

function fibonacci(n) {     if (n < 2){         return 1;     }else{         return fibonacci(n-2) + fibonacci(n-1);     } }  console.log(fibonacci(7)); //Returns 21 

I'm having trouble grasping exactly what this function is doing. Can someone explain what's going on here? I'm getting stuck on the 5th line, where the function calls itself. What's happening here?

like image 591
opes Avatar asked Jan 13 '12 02:01


People also ask

How does Fibonacci sequence recursion work?

Recursion will happen till the bottom of each branch in the tree structure is reached with the resulting value of 1 or 0. During recursion these 1's and 0's are added till the value of the Fibonacci number is calculated and returned to the code which called the fibonacci method in the first place.

How does Fibonacci function work?

The Fibonacci sequence is a set of integers (the Fibonacci numbers) that starts with a zero, followed by a one, then by another one, and then by a series of steadily increasing numbers. The sequence follows the rule that each number is equal to the sum of the preceding two numbers.

Why is Fibonacci sequence recursive?

The famous Fibonacci sequence. This famous sequence is recursive because each term after the second term is the sum of the previous two terms. Our first two terms are 1 and 1. The third term is the previous two terms added together, or 1 + 1 = 2.

2 Answers

You're defining a function in terms of itself. In general, fibonnaci(n) = fibonnaci(n - 2) + fibonnaci(n - 1). We're just representing this relationship in code. So, for fibonnaci(7) we can observe:

  • fibonacci(7) is equal to fibonacci(6) + fibonacci(5)
  • fibonacci(6) is equal to fibonacci(5) + fibonacci(4)
  • fibonacci(5) is equal to fibonacci(4) + fibonacci(3)
  • fibonacci(4) is equal to fibonacci(3) + fibonacci(2)
  • fibonacci(3) is equal to fibonacci(2) + fibonacci(1)
  • fibonacci(2) is equal to fibonacci(1) + fibonacci(0)
  • fibonacci(1) is equal to 1
  • fibonacci(0) is equal to 1

We now have all the parts needed to evaluate fibonacci(7), which was our original goal. Notice that the base case -- return 1 when n < 2 -- is what makes this possible. This is what stops the recursion, so that we can can start the process of unrolling the stack and summing the values we're returning at each step. Without this step, we'd continue calling fibonacci on smaller and smaller values right up until the program finally crashed.

It might help to add some logging statements that illustrate this:

function fibonacci(n, c) {     var indent = "";     for (var i = 0; i < c; i++) {         indent += " ";     }     console.log(indent + "fibonacci(" + n + ")");     if (n < 2) {         return 1;     } else {         return fibonacci(n - 2, c + 4) + fibonacci(n - 1, c + 4);     } }  console.log(fibonacci(7, 0)); 


fibonacci(7)     fibonacci(5)         fibonacci(3)             fibonacci(1)             fibonacci(2)                 fibonacci(0)                 fibonacci(1)         fibonacci(4)             fibonacci(2)                 fibonacci(0)                 fibonacci(1)             fibonacci(3)                 fibonacci(1)                 fibonacci(2)                     fibonacci(0)                     fibonacci(1)     fibonacci(6)         fibonacci(4)             fibonacci(2)                 fibonacci(0)                 fibonacci(1)             fibonacci(3)                 fibonacci(1)                 fibonacci(2)                     fibonacci(0)                     fibonacci(1)         fibonacci(5)             fibonacci(3)                 fibonacci(1)                 fibonacci(2)                     fibonacci(0)                     fibonacci(1)             fibonacci(4)                 fibonacci(2)                     fibonacci(0)                     fibonacci(1)                 fibonacci(3)                     fibonacci(1)                     fibonacci(2)                         fibonacci(0)                         fibonacci(1) 

Values at the same level of indentation are summed to produce the result for the previous level of indentation.

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Wayne Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10


There are many good answers here, but I made this diagram which helps better explain the outcome of the function. The only values that will ever be returned are 1 or 0 (your example returns 1 for n < 2, but should instead return n).

This means that each recursive call will eventually wind up returning either a 0 or 1. Those end up being "cached" in the stack and "carried up" into the original invocation and added together.

So if you were to draw this same diagram out for each value of 'n' you could manually find the answer.

This diagram roughly illustrates how every function is returned for fib(5).

![Fibonacci Javascript Tree Diagram

This shows the control flow, i.e. the order of execution for the functions. Remember code is always executed left->right and top-> bottom. So whenever a new function is called it is paused and then the next invocation occurs.

The following illustrates the actual control flow based on your original post. Please note the base condition is if (n <= 0) {return 0} else if (n <= 2) {return 1;} for simplification:

1. fib(5) {     return fib(4) + fib(3); 2.   fib(4) {       return fib(3) + fib(2); 3.     fib(3) {         return fib(2) + fib(1); 4.       fib(2) { A=        return 1;          }; 5.       fib(1) { B=        return 1;          }; C=      return 2; // (1 + 1)        }; 6.     fib(2) { D=      return 1;        }; E=    return 3; // (2 + 1)      }; 7.   fib(3) {       return fib(2) + fib(1); 8.     fib(2) { F=      return 1;        }; 9.     fib(1) { G=      return 1;        }; H=    return 2; // (1 + 1)      }; I=  return 5; // (3 + 2)    }; 
like image 33
Jeff Callahan Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10

Jeff Callahan