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How does the Command pattern decouple the sender from the receiver?

The Command pattern has an IReceiver interface with few methods and corresponding to each method there are concrete Command objects (implementing an interface ICommand with execute() method).

I have read that the client knows about the concrete receiver and concrete command and it is usually the client setting up the receiver object in the concrete command object. Then why it is said it decouples the sender and the receiver?

When the client already knows the concrete receiver then I feel this is not loose coupling and also the client in this case can directly call the APIs (methods) on the receiver object.

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nits.kk Avatar asked Feb 08 '16 18:02


1 Answers

You can think of Command pattern workflow as follows.

  1. Command declares an interface for all commands, providing a simple execute() method which asks the Receiver of the command to carry out an operation.

  2. The Receiver has the knowledge of what to do to carry out the request.

  3. The Invoker holds a command and can get the Command to execute a request by calling the execute method.

  4. The Client creates ConcreteCommands and sets a Receiver for the command.

  5. The ConcreteCommand defines a binding between the action and the receiver.

  6. When the Invoker calls execute the ConcreteCommand will run one or more actions on the Receiver.

Have a look at sample code to understand things in better way.

public class CommandDemoEx{
    public static void main(String args[]){

        // On command for TV with same invoker 
        Receiver r = new TV();
        Command onCommand = new OnCommand(r);
        Invoker invoker = new Invoker(onCommand);

        // On command for DVDPlayer with same invoker 
        r = new DVDPlayer();
        onCommand = new OnCommand(r);
        invoker = new Invoker(onCommand);

interface Command {
    public void execute();

class Receiver {
    public void switchOn(){
        System.out.println("Switch on from:"+this.getClass().getSimpleName());

class OnCommand implements Command{

    private Receiver receiver;

    public OnCommand(Receiver receiver){
        this.receiver = receiver;
    public void execute(){

class Invoker {
    public Command command;

    public Invoker(Command c){
    public void execute(){

class TV extends Receiver{
    public TV(){

    public String toString(){
        return this.getClass().getSimpleName();
class DVDPlayer extends Receiver{
    public DVDPlayer(){

    public String toString(){
        return this.getClass().getSimpleName();


java CommandDemoEx
Switch on from:TV
Switch on from:DVDPlayer

To answer your question :

I have read client knows about the concrete receiver and concrete command and it is usually client setting up the receiver object in the concrete command object. Then why it is said it decouples the sender and the receiver

To standardize the words, replace "sender" with "invoker". Now go through the code.

  1. Invoker simply executes the ConcreteCommand (OnCommand in this case) by passing ConcreteReceiver.
  2. ConcreteCommand executes Command through ConcreteReceiver i.e. ConcreteCommand defines binding between Action and Receiver.
  3. If you see the workflow, Invoker does not change with additional commands and you can add business logic in execute() method of Invoker like java.lang.Thread, which has been explained as below.
  4. In this way Client (sender) and Receiver are loosely couple through Invoker, which has knowledge of what command to be executed.

Thread example from this link

You can create Thread by implementing Runnable object.

Thread t = new Thread (new MyRunnable()).start();


 Invoker invoker = new Invoker(new ConcreteCommand());

and you have logic in start() to call ConcreteCommand.execute() which is run() in above case.

start() method will call run() method in Thread. What happens if you directly call run() method directly? It won't be treated as thread.

Like start() method of this thread, you can add some business logic in Invoker.

public synchronized void start() {
         * This method is not invoked for the main method thread or "system"
         * group threads created/set up by the VM. Any new functionality added
         * to this method in the future may have to also be added to the VM.
         * A zero status value corresponds to state "NEW".
        if (threadStatus != 0)
            throw new IllegalThreadStateException();
        if (stopBeforeStart) {

private native void start0(); // Native code is not here but this method will call run() method

public void run() {
    if (target != null) {


On your last query

Here we are creating the command object, Receiver object and Invoker Object.Then passing the receiver object in the command object and then passing the command object in invoker object. This we do for each Receiver like we do here for TV and DVDPlayer. Also in the method 'main' Object of TV and DVDPlayer are known and in fact are created. We can simply do tvObject.switchOn() and dvdPlayer.switchOn(). How does Command pattern help

Client need not worry about changes in Receiver class. Invoker directly works on ConcreteCommand, which has Receiver object. Receiver object may change siwtchOn() to switchOnDevice() in future. But client interaction does not change.

If you have two different commands like switchOn() and switchOff(), still you can use same Invoker.

like image 63
Ravindra babu Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 23:10

Ravindra babu