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How does Stylus variable scope work across files?




Ideally, I'd like to set up one file "colors.styl" where I can define all the colors used across the site like so:

$beige        = #F2F2F2
$darkGrey     = #282828
$errorRed     = #B94A48

When I try accessing these variables in other files, I just get the variable name back instead of the resolved value:

body {
  background-color: $beige;

I'm compiling the files in order so colors.styl goes before the rest. Do variables lose their scope across files in Stylus?

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mellowjen Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 21:02


1 Answers

Instead of doing @import "colors" in every file, you can also make a main loader file, like this:

 @import "colors"

 @import "styles1"
 @import "styles2"

Variables defined in colors.styl will then be available in styles1.styl and styles2.styl. Output from stylus will be one big css file containing all your styles.

like image 75
Myrne Stol Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Myrne Stol