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How does Spring data binding work on the background?

I'm beginning to understand a little bit of what happens on the background when a user requests some URL in the context of a Spring MVC Web Application. But I can't figure out when and how takes place the data binding, i.e. the mapping between the fields of an input form to a model object and the later injection of that object in the related handler method.

Anybody knows which classes and methods are implied, and where does this appear in the documentation?

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Rocío García Luque Avatar asked Apr 05 '14 16:04

Rocío García Luque

1 Answers

If, for example, you're posting data which represents SomeBean to this handler: public void (SomeBean someBean) the following happens in Spring 4.

  • A InvocableHandlerMethod will iterate over the method's parameters and will ask a HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite instance to resolve the value for each parameter.

  • The HandlerMethodArgumentResolverComposite will ask it's HandlerMethodArgumentResolvers if they support the given parameter. If one supports the parameter this one is used for resolving the value.

  • A ModelAttributeMethodProcessor will support the given parameter (SomeBean) and will try to resolve it's value.

  • Inside it's resolveArgument method the ModelAttributeMethodProcessor will instantiate a target object of parameter's type.

  • It then will call a WebDataBinderFactory to create a WebDataBinder which is responsible for binding the request to the target object.

  • Once binded, the target will be returned and provided as an argument for the handler method.

P.s. Instead of the documentation you should read the source code.

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Bart Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 01:10
