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How does SOA service discovery (UDDI) work in practice?

I'm just reading up on SOA and the service registry / UDDI get mentioned regularly. It sounds nice but how is used in reality?

  • Is the registry meant to decouple a logical service from its' physical implementation (port, url etc)?
  • Is the registry meant to be browsed by a human looking for an interesting service to play with?
  • Would it be 'wrong' to hard-wire an application to the services it uses?
like image 987
paul Avatar asked Sep 24 '08 11:09


People also ask

How does UDDI work in web services?

UDDI uses Web Service Definition Language(WSDL) to describe interfaces to web services. UDDI is seen with SOAP and WSDL as one of the three foundation standards of web services. UDDI is an open industry initiative, enabling businesses to discover each other and define how they interact over the Internet.

What is UDDI in SOA?

The Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) specification defines a way to publish and discover information about web services. The UDDI specification defines a standard for the visibility, reusability, and manageability that are essential for a service-oriented architecture (SOA) registry service.

Is UDDI a discovery service?

UDDI currently represents the discovery layer within the web service protocol stack. UDDI was originally created by Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba, and represents a technical specification for publishing and finding businesses and web services.

Which of the following pages can be used by web clients to get information about the endpoints of the services?

7. Which of the following pages IN UDDI specify the service endpoints? Explanation: White pages contain identification information.

1 Answers

I find it to be more theoretically useful than practically useful. It is infrequently implemented and infrequently used. In reality, DNS provides a sufficient abstraction tool for the location of resources on the network.

like image 139
MattMcKnight Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 09:10
