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How does Ruby's .() operator work?

I recently came across some code using a method call consisting of the format object.(arg1, arg2) without seeing a good explanation of how it works. See this sample code:

class TestServiceObject   def call     'method'   end end  TestServiceObject.new.() # => 'method' 

What's the term for this kind of shorthand?

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fruchtose Avatar asked Oct 01 '13 05:10


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2 Answers

The dot-parentheses notation is a shorthand way for passing arguments to the implicit call method on a Ruby object:

foo = lambda {|bar| puts bar}  foo.call('baz') #=> baz foo.('baz')  foo.call('baz') === foo.('baz') #=> true 

Also note that the following notations are also valid (and equivalent) invocations of the call method:

foo['baz'] #=> baz foo::('baz') #=> baz 

In your example, you're explicitly overriding the call method on the TestServiceObject class such that it returns the string 'method' when called. Accordingly, you can explicitly override the the call method to accept arguments:

class TestServiceObject   def call(foo=nil)     foo || 'method'   end end  TestServiceObject.new.() #=> method TestServicesObject.new.('bar') #=> bar 


As commenter @LoganSerman duly notes, the shorthand operator appears to work on anything that responds to call, which is validated in part by the following example:

m = 12.method("+")  m.call(3) #=> 15 m.(3) #=> 15 


As commenter @Stefan also points out from the documentation on Proc#call:

prc.() invokes prc.call() with the parameters given. It’s a syntax sugar to hide “call”.

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zeantsoi Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09


obj.(args) is just a feature provided through the parser. Not technically an alias, but it simply has the same effect as invoking obj.call(args) on an object that defines the call method.

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Konrad Reiche Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Konrad Reiche