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How does Redis fit into ASP.NET Web API OData world?

If you think about a large-scale solution where you've a second-level cache implemented using Redis or maybe your first data source is also Redis, I don't find how ASP.NET WebAPI OData implementation can work together with something like a key-value store.

I could analyze generated expression tree by the OData parser and translate some filters into Redis operations, but the whole nature of Redis fits best when you implement pure REST:

  • http://somesite.com/users => users (Redis set)
  • http://somesite.com/users/1 => users:11 (Redis key)

And if I want latest registered users, maybe I would have something like this:

  • http://somesite.com/users/latest => users:latest (Redis sorted set)

The whole question...

What has to do OData in such scenario?

like image 732
Matías Fidemraizer Avatar asked Apr 01 '14 18:04

Matías Fidemraizer

People also ask

How do I Redis cache in Web API?

Redis supports one more CLI and we can check the cache accessibility using this CLI tool. We can run the redis-cli.exe inside the same folder. If you enter a command like ping, you will get a response like PONG. Above is a simple test to check whether the cache is alive or not.

What is OData in asp net web API?

The Open Data Protocol (OData) is a data access protocol for the web. OData provides a uniform way to query and manipulate data sets through CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete). ASP.NET Web API supports both v3 and v4 of the protocol.

What is Redis cache in C#?

Redis is a NoSQL key-value cache that stores the information in a hash table format, providing the possibilities to store different types of structured data like strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, bitmaps and hyperloglogs.

1 Answers

I think Redis can be very useful in an OData environment. I think first I'd address a perception issue: that OData isn't "pure REST". REST, of course, can mean many things since there's very little standard for it. For the most part, REST has come to mean JSON over HTTP/S using standard HTTP verbs mapped to operations on entities. OData simply takes this, adds some more formal definition to it, and adds a standard metadata layer to it (which you can choose to ignore if you want). Because of this I have come to referring to OData as "JSON++". I don't think I've seen an OData implementation that doesn't support JSON, though many defualt to Atom if JSON isn't specified. So, when interacting with OData with JSON - is there anything that isn't "Pure REST" about this?

So, that said, I see two interesting ways to interact with Redis in an OData world. It would be possible, even interesting, to build an OData front end to Redis. That wouldn't be trivial I suppose, but it should be possible. I'm not aware of anybody doing this, but there may be. There is an OData provider for Node.js for example, maybe somebody has done something for Redis.

But even using stock Redis, it should just be a matter of using OData URLs as redis keys (which you seem to be leaning toward anyway)- caching results at the query level. This seems to be what you were illustrating in your example. Since you are caching data, you may want to manage the lifetime of cached results using the EXPIRE command after inserting an entry. If you want to get really fancy you can look at strategies to pre-populate the redis cache.

You mentioned the possibility of a more granular use of redis- thus requiring that you parse queries etc. You could, of course, use the redis cache at the entity level and fully implement all of Odata on top of it. Personally, I'm not sure this is worth the complexity. I like the idea of using redis at the granularity of query results.

The short answer to your question: Anything you can do with REST/JSON+Redis, you can accomplish with OData+Redis. Value prop is the same.

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Eric S Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 07:10

Eric S