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How does one listen for progress from Android SyncAdapter?

I recall reading about a broadcast receiver interface from the sync adapter or some ResultReceiver of sync progress events. Is there something built into the SyncAdapter pattern or is it home-grown?

like image 909
mobibob Avatar asked Mar 11 '11 03:03


2 Answers

I Have just implemented a Broadcast receiver from a sync adapter and it works like clockwork!

Using a Receiver set as an inner class and calling registerReceiver in onCreate and unregisterReceiver in onDestroy did this for me.

As I have one strategy method to spawn and query a number of threads, All I have at the begining of a SyncAdapter run are:

Intent intent = new Intent();

And at the end of the sync run i have:


Within my Activity, I declare:

onCreate(Bundle savedInstance){

SyncReceiver myReceiver = new SyncReceiver();





 public class SyncReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {

  public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
            Bundle extras = intent.getExtras();
    if (extras != null) {
        //do something  

For this scenario you do not need to add your receiver to the manifest file. just use as is!

like image 180
Lettings Mall Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11

Lettings Mall

What works:

The method suggested in a 2010 Google IO session, Developing Android REST client applications is to place columns into your ContentProvider as tags to indicate that a record is being fetched or placed or etc. This allows a per-row spinner (or other visual change) to be placed in your UI. You might do that through a custom CursorAdapter that drives a ListView. Your ContentProvider is on the hook to make the flags change as needed.

What doesn't:

You can also use a SyncStatusObserver -- Which is pretty much useless since it responds to every change of status, not just your specific account/contentauthority pair, and really doesn't tell you much anything at all other than that a change occured. So, you can't tell what is being synced, and you can't distinguish "start of sync event" from "end of sync event". Worthless. :P

like image 33
jcwenger Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 13:11
