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How does OAuth2.0 security works in Mobile APPs ? What happens if client_id gets compromised?

OAuth 2.0 in web application works using redirect URI, where Authentication provider redirects to redirect URI & verifies same with registered one which developer provides during app registration before it does redirection with access token.

In case of mobile app, since there is no redirect URI to mobile app how does it work?

If someone gets client id, Can they use same to build duplicate app ? How does security works in above scenario?

like image 685
Anil Sagar Avatar asked Nov 21 '15 16:11

Anil Sagar

People also ask

How does OAuth2 work in mobile app?

The OAuth 2.0 implicit grant authorization flow (defined in Section 4.2 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749]) generally works with the practice of performing the authorization request in the browser and receiving the authorization response via URI-based inter-app communication.

What is OAuth Client_id?

The client_id is a public identifier for apps. Even though it's public, it's best that it isn't guessable by third parties, so many implementations use something like a 32-character hex string. If the client ID is guessable, it makes it slightly easier to craft phishing attacks against arbitrary applications.

What is OAuth 2.0 authentication and how it works?

OAuth 2.0, which stands for “Open Authorization”, is a standard designed to allow a website or application to access resources hosted by other web apps on behalf of a user. It replaced OAuth 1.0 in 2012 and is now the de facto industry standard for online authorization.

Which OAuth grant type is appropriate for mobile app?

Custom URI scheme (Android, iOS, UWP) A custom URI scheme is recommended for Android apps, iOS apps, and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps.

1 Answers

Because mobile apps cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the client_secret they can use a grant type that doesn't require it. This is the Implicit Grant. The idea is to redirect the mobile browser to the authorization endpoint using response_type=token parameter:


After authenticating the user against the identity provider the browser will be redirected back to the redirect_uri specified in the authorization request and passed an access token:


You can then intercept the request to this specifically crafted url in the browser (by subscribing to the corresponding events that get triggered when the url changes), extract the access token that is passed and use this token to make authenticated requests.

If someone gets client id, Can they use same to build duplicate app ? How does security works in above scenario?

OAuth 2 is not designed to protect the intellectual property of your application. it is an authentication protocol. With or without it, anyone can duplicate your application. The idea is that without the client_secret an application cannot use the grant types that require it and that usually give more permissions and scopes to the issued access tokens.

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10

Darin Dimitrov