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How does NumPy Sum (with axis) work?




I've taken it upon myself to learn how NumPy works for my own curiosity.

It seems that the simplest function is the hardest to translate to code (I understand by code). It's easy to hard code each axis for each case but I want to find a dynamic algorithm that can sum in any axis with n-dimensions. The documentation on the official website is not helpful (It only shows the result not the process) and it's hard to navigate through Python/C code.

Note: I did figure out that when an array is summed, the axis specified is "removed", i.e. Sum of an array with a shape of (4, 3, 2) with axis 1 yields an answer of an array with a shape of (4, 2)

like image 953
James Nguyen Avatar asked Nov 29 '16 04:11

James Nguyen

People also ask

What does NumPy sum return?

sum() in Python. numpy. sum(arr, axis, dtype, out) : This function returns the sum of array elements over the specified axis.

What do you get if you apply NumPy sum () to a list that contains only Boolean values?

sum receives an array of booleans as its argument, it'll sum each element (count True as 1 and False as 0) and return the outcome. for instance np. sum([True, True, False]) will output 2 :) Hope this helps.

What is the difference between sum and NP sum?

This is an extension to the the answer post above by Akavall. From that answer you can see that np. sum performs faster for np. array objects, whereas sum performs faster for list objects.

Video Answer

2 Answers


consider the numpy array a

a = np.arange(30).reshape(2, 3, 5)

[[[ 0  1  2  3  4]
  [ 5  6  7  8  9]
  [10 11 12 13 14]]

 [[15 16 17 18 19]
  [20 21 22 23 24]
  [25 26 27 28 29]]]

Where are the dimensions?

The dimensions and positions are highlighted by the following

            p  p  p  p  p
            o  o  o  o  o
            s  s  s  s  s

     dim 2  0  1  2  3  4

            |  |  |  |  |
  dim 0     ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓  ↓
  ----> [[[ 0  1  2  3  4]   <---- dim 1, pos 0
  pos 0   [ 5  6  7  8  9]   <---- dim 1, pos 1
          [10 11 12 13 14]]  <---- dim 1, pos 2
  dim 0
  ---->  [[15 16 17 18 19]   <---- dim 1, pos 0
  pos 1   [20 21 22 23 24]   <---- dim 1, pos 1
          [25 26 27 28 29]]] <---- dim 1, pos 2
            ↑  ↑  ↑  ↑  ↑
            |  |  |  |  |

     dim 2  p  p  p  p  p
            o  o  o  o  o
            s  s  s  s  s

            0  1  2  3  4

Dimension examples:

This becomes more clear with a few examples

a[0, :, :] # dim 0, pos 0

[[ 0  1  2  3  4]
 [ 5  6  7  8  9]
 [10 11 12 13 14]]

a[:, 1, :] # dim 1, pos 1

[[ 5  6  7  8  9]
 [20 21 22 23 24]]

a[:, :, 3] # dim 2, pos 3

[[ 3  8 13]
 [18 23 28]]


explanation of sum and axis
a.sum(0) is the sum of all slices along dim 0


[[15 17 19 21 23]
 [25 27 29 31 33]
 [35 37 39 41 43]]

same as

a[0, :, :] + \
a[1, :, :]

[[15 17 19 21 23]
 [25 27 29 31 33]
 [35 37 39 41 43]]

a.sum(1) is the sum of all slices along dim 1


[[15 18 21 24 27]
 [60 63 66 69 72]]

same as

a[:, 0, :] + \
a[:, 1, :] + \
a[:, 2, :]

[[15 18 21 24 27]
 [60 63 66 69 72]]

a.sum(2) is the sum of all slices along dim 2


[[ 10  35  60]
 [ 85 110 135]]

same as

a[:, :, 0] + \
a[:, :, 1] + \
a[:, :, 2] + \
a[:, :, 3] + \
a[:, :, 4]

[[ 10  35  60]
 [ 85 110 135]]

default axis is -1
this means all axes. or sum all numbers.


like image 177
piRSquared Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10


I use a nested loop operation to explain it.

import numpy as np

n = np.array(
[[[1, 2, 3],
 [4, 5, 6],
 [7, 8, 9]],

 [[2, 4, 6],
 [8, 10, 12],
 [14, 16, 18]],

 [[1, 3, 5],
 [7, 9, 11],
 [13, 15, 17]]])


print("============ sum axis=None=============")

sum = 0
for i in range(3):
  for j in range(3): 
    for k in range(3):
      sum += n[k][i][j]
print(sum) # 216

print(np.sum(n))  # 216
print("============ sum axis=0 =============") 
for i in range(3):
  for j in range(3):
    sum = 0
    for axis in range(3):
      sum += n[axis][i][j]
    print(sum,end=' ')

print("sum[0][0] = %d" % (n[0][0][0] + n[1][0][0] + n[2][0][0]))
print("sum[1][1] = %d" % (n[0][1][1] + n[1][1][1] + n[2][1][1]))
print("sum[2][2] = %d" % (n[0][2][2] + n[1][2][2] + n[2][2][2]))
print(np.sum(n, axis=0)) 
print("============ sum axis=1 =============") 
for i in range(3):
  for j in range(3):
    sum = 0
    for axis in range(3):
      sum += n[i][axis][j]
    print(sum,end=' ')
print("sum[0][0] = %d" % (n[0][0][0] + n[0][1][0] + n[0][2][0]))
print("sum[1][1] = %d" % (n[1][0][1] + n[1][1][1] + n[1][2][1]))
print("sum[2][2] = %d" % (n[2][0][2] + n[2][1][2] + n[2][2][2]))
print(np.sum(n, axis=1))  
print("============ sum axis=2 =============") 
for i in range(3):
  for j in range(3):
    sum = 0
    for axis in range(3):
      sum += n[i][j][axis]
    print(sum,end=' ')
print("sum[0][0] = %d" % (n[0][0][0] + n[0][0][1] + n[0][0][2]))
print("sum[1][1] = %d" % (n[1][1][0] + n[1][1][1] + n[1][1][2]))
print("sum[2][2] = %d" % (n[2][2][0] + n[2][2][1] + n[2][2][2]))
print(np.sum(n, axis=2))
print("============ sum axis=(0,1)) =============") 
for i in range(3):
  sum = 0
  for axis1 in range(3):   
    for axis2 in range(3):
      sum += n[axis1][axis2][i]
  print(sum,end=' ')

print("sum[1] = %d" % (n[0][0][1] + n[0][1][1] + n[0][2][1] +
              n[1][0][1] + n[1][1][1] + n[1][2][1] +
              n[2][0][1] + n[2][1][1] + n[2][2][1] ))
print(np.sum(n, axis=(0,1)))


[[[ 1  2  3]
  [ 4  5  6]
  [ 7  8  9]]

 [[ 2  4  6]
  [ 8 10 12]
  [14 16 18]]

 [[ 1  3  5]
  [ 7  9 11]
  [13 15 17]]]
============ sum axis=None=============
============ sum axis=0 =============
4 9 14 
19 24 29 
34 39 44 
sum[0][0] = 4
sum[1][1] = 24
sum[2][2] = 44
[[ 4  9 14]
 [19 24 29]
 [34 39 44]]
============ sum axis=1 =============
12 15 18 
24 30 36 
21 27 33 
sum[0][0] = 12
sum[1][1] = 30
sum[2][2] = 33
[[12 15 18]
 [24 30 36]
 [21 27 33]]
============ sum axis=2 =============
6 15 24 
12 30 48 
9 27 45 
sum[0][0] = 6
sum[1][1] = 30
sum[2][2] = 45
[[ 6 15 24]
 [12 30 48]
 [ 9 27 45]]
============ sum axis=(0,1)) =============
57 72 87 
sum[1] = 72
[57 72 87]
like image 4
tinyhare Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10
