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How does MongoDB index arrays?

In MongoDB, if I were to store an array (say ["red", "blue"]) in a field "color", does it index "red" and "blue" so I could query for "red", for example, or does in make {"red", "blue"} a composite index?

like image 385
IamIC Avatar asked Oct 30 '10 14:10


People also ask

How does MongoDB do indexing?

MongoDB uses multikey indexes to index the content stored in arrays. If you index a field that holds an array value, MongoDB creates separate index entries for every element of the array. These multikey indexes allow queries to select documents that contain arrays by matching on element or elements of the arrays.

Where is array index in MongoDB?

Starting from MongoDB version 3.4 we can use the $indexOfArray operator to return the index at which a given element can be found in the array. $indexOfArray takes three arguments. The first is the name of the array field prefixed with $ sign.

Does MongoDB index every field?

Every document is indexed on every field, even nested fields inside arrays or objects. Rockset indexes every field automatically so users don't need to build indexes to make queries fast — queries are indexed by default. There is no limit to the number of fields which can be ingested and indexed.

2 Answers

When it comes to indexing arrays, MongoDB indexes each value of the array so you can query for individual items, such as "red." For example:

> db.col1.save({'colors': ['red','blue']}) > db.col1.ensureIndex({'colors':1})  > db.col1.find({'colors': 'red'}) { "_id" : ObjectId("4ccc78f97cf9bdc2a2e54ee9"), "colors" : [ "red", "blue" ] } > db.col1.find({'colors': 'blue'}) { "_id" : ObjectId("4ccc78f97cf9bdc2a2e54ee9"), "colors" : [ "red", "blue" ] } 

For more information, check out MongoDB's documentation on Multikeys: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Multikeys

like image 157
Charles Hooper Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10

Charles Hooper

You can simply test index usage by appending "explain" to your query:

> db.col1.save({'colors': ['red','blue']})  # without index > db.col1.find({'colors': 'red'}).explain() {         "queryPlanner" : {                 "plannerVersion" : 1,                 "namespace" : "protrain.col1",                 "indexFilterSet" : false,                 "parsedQuery" : {                         "colors" : {                                 "$eq" : "red"                         }                 },                 "winningPlan" : {                         "stage" : "COLLSCAN", <--- simple column scan                         "filter" : {                                 "colors" : {                                         "$eq" : "red"                                 }                         },                         "direction" : "forward"                 },                 "rejectedPlans" : [ ]         },         "serverInfo" : {                 "host" : "bee34f15fe28",                 "port" : 27017,                 "version" : "3.4.4",                 "gitVersion" : "888390515874a9debd1b6c5d36559ca86b44babd"         },         "ok" : 1 }  # query with index > db.col1.createIndex( { "colors":1 } ) > db.col1.find({'colors': 'red'}).explain() {         "queryPlanner" : {                 "plannerVersion" : 1,                 "namespace" : "protrain.col1",                 "indexFilterSet" : false,                 "parsedQuery" : {                         "colors" : {                                 "$eq" : "red"                         }                 },                 "winningPlan" : {                         "stage" : "FETCH",                         "inputStage" : {                                 "stage" : "IXSCAN", <!---- INDEX HAS BEEN USED                                 "keyPattern" : {                                         "colors" : 1                                 },                                 "indexName" : "colors_1",                                 "isMultiKey" : true,                                 "multiKeyPaths" : {                                         "colors" : [                                                 "colors"                                         ]                                 },                                 "isUnique" : false,                                 "isSparse" : false,                                 "isPartial" : false,                                 "indexVersion" : 2,                                 "direction" : "forward",                                 "indexBounds" : {                                         "colors" : [                                                 "[\"red\", \"red\"]"                                         ]                                 }                         }                 },                 "rejectedPlans" : [ ]         },         "serverInfo" : {                 "host" : "bee34f15fe28",                 "port" : 27017,                 "version" : "3.4.4",                 "gitVersion" : "888390515874a9debd1b6c5d36559ca86b44babd"         },         "ok" : 1 } 

For structures where you have structured indexes, you could use the array position to index fields inside arrays:

{     '_id': 'BB167E2D61909E848EBC96C7B33251AC',     'hist': {         'map': {             '10': 1         }     },     'wayPoints': [{         'bhf_name': 'Zinsgutstr.(Berlin)',         'ext_no': 900180542,         'lat': 52.435158,         'lon': 13.559086,         'puic': 86,         'time': {             'dateTime': '2018-01-10T09: 38: 00',             'offset': {                 'totalSeconds': 3600             }         },         'train_name': 'Bus162'     },     {         'bhf_name': 'SAdlershof(Berlin)',         'ext_no': 900193002,         'lat': 52.435104,         'lon': 13.54055,         'puic': 86,         'time': {             'dateTime': '2018-01-10T09: 44: 00',             'offset': {                 'totalSeconds': 3600             }         },         'train_name': 'Bus162'     }] }   db.col.createIndex( { "wayPoints.0.ext_no":1 } ) db.col.createIndex( { "wayPoints.0.train_name":1 } ) db.col.createIndex( { "wayPoints.1.ext_no":1 } ) db.col.createIndex( { "wayPoints.1.train_name":1 } )  > db.col.find( ... { ...  "wayPoints.ext_no": 900180542 ... } ... , ...     { ...         "wayPoints.ext_no":1, ...         "wayPoints.train_name":1, ...         "wayPoints.time":1 ...     } ... ).explain() {         "queryPlanner" : {                 "plannerVersion" : 1,                 "namespace" : "db.col",                 "indexFilterSet" : false,                 "parsedQuery" : {                         "wayPoints.ext_no" : {                                 "$eq" : 900180542                         }                 },                 "winningPlan" : {                         "stage" : "PROJECTION",                         "transformBy" : {                                 "wayPoints.ext_no" : 1,                                 "wayPoints.train_name" : 1,                                 "wayPoints.time" : 1                         },                         "inputStage" : {                                 "stage" : "FETCH",                                 "inputStage" : {                                         "stage" : "IXSCAN",                                         "keyPattern" : {                                                 "wayPoints.ext_no" : 1                                         },                                         "indexName" : "wayPoints.ext_no_1",                                         "isMultiKey" : true,                                         "multiKeyPaths" : {                                                 "wayPoints.ext_no" : [                                                         "wayPoints"                                                 ]                                         },                                         "isUnique" : false,                                         "isSparse" : false,                                         "isPartial" : false,                                         "indexVersion" : 2,                                         "direction" : "forward",                                         "indexBounds" : {                                                 "wayPoints.ext_no" : [                                                         "[900180542.0, 900180542.0]"                                                 ]                                         }                                 }                         }                 },                 "rejectedPlans" : [ ]         },         "serverInfo" : {                 "host" : "bee34f15fe28",                 "port" : 27017,                 "version" : "3.4.4",                 "gitVersion" : "888390515874a9debd1b6c5d36559ca86b44babd"         },         "ok" : 1 } 
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Literadix Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 02:10
