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how does mobx achieve its magic




I am curious as to how mobx works under the hood.

If I have a component that is both an observer and contains observables:

export default class Form extends Component {
  @observable submitted = false;

  submit() {

How does mobx cause a re-render without using setState or does it use setState?

like image 891
dagda1 Avatar asked May 03 '17 21:05


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2 Answers

See: https://medium.com/@mweststrate/becoming-fully-reactive-an-in-depth-explanation-of-mobservable-55995262a254. @observer is basically a shorthand for autorun(() => this.render()) (it is actually a bit more complex, but that is what it conceptualy boils down to)

like image 78
mweststrate Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 15:09


To understand how mobx works under the hood, check this repl out.

I learned about it from one of the videos of @mweststrate and an academic paper from someone. Both of which I cannot find anymore.

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Asur Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
