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How does `isInstanceOf` work?




Assume, we have:

class B class A extends B trait T 

Then it holds:

val a: A with T = new A with T  a.isInstanceOf[B]  // result is true ! 

Is it right to say, the isInstanceOf method checks, if there is at least one type (not all types) which matches the right hand side in a subtype relationship?

At first look, I thought a value with type A with T can not be a subtype of B, because A and T are not both subtypes of B. But it is A or T is a subtype of B -- is that right ?

like image 502
John Threepwood Avatar asked Jul 02 '12 08:07

John Threepwood

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1 Answers

isInstanceOf looks if there is a corresponding entry in the inheritance chain. The chain of A with T includes A, B and T, so a.isInstanceOf[B] must be true.


Actually the generated byte code calls javas instanceof, so it would be a instanceof B in java. A little more complex call like a.isInstanceOf[A with T] would be (a instanceof A) && (a instanceof T).

like image 59
drexin Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09
