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How does Git decide on conflicts?


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How does GitHub resolve conflict?

You can only resolve merge conflicts on GitHub that are caused by competing line changes, such as when people make different changes to the same line of the same file on different branches in your Git repository. For all other types of merge conflicts, you must resolve the conflict locally on the command line.

How does GitLab determine merge conflicts?

Go to your merge request. Select Overview, and scroll to the merge request reports section. Find the merge conflicts message, and select Resolve conflicts. GitLab shows a list of files with merge conflicts.

What counts as a merge conflict?

A merge conflict is an event that occurs when Git is unable to automatically resolve differences in code between two commits. When all the changes in the code occur on different lines or in different files, Git will successfully merge commits without your help.

What happens in Git when a conflict occurs between your changes and someone else's?

Two ways git merge/git pull can fail This occurs because you have committed changes that are in conflict with someone else's committed changes. Git will do its best to merge the files and will leave things for you to resolve manually in the files it lists.

When I pull from GitHub when someone else on the team modified a certain file, Git command shows that there are Unresolved Conflicts that Git couldn't fix. I open Perforce or Visual Studio 2012 to fix the conflicts and the graphical tools shows me there are no conflicts and performs the merge quickly.

Does Git have an internal conflict detection/merge tool that is independent of your set mergetool/difftool?

Or does it use your configured tools to auto merge and detect unresolvable conflict?

My scenario is weird, Git shows that it can't automerge but the graphical tools show no issues.