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how does form_for know the difference when submitting :new :edit

I've generated a scaffold, let's call it scaffold test. Within that scaffold, I've got a _form.html.erb thats being render for action's :new => :create and :edit => :update

Rails does a lot of magic sometimes and I cannot figure out how the form_for knows how to call the proper :action when pressing submit between :new and :edit

Scaffolded Form

<%= form_for(@test) do |f| %>

  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

vs. Un-scaffolded Form

 <% form_for @test :url => {:action => "new"}, :method => "post" do |f| %>
       <%= f.submit %>
 <% end %>

Edit template

<h1>Editing test</h1>

<%= render 'form' %>

New template

<h1>New test</h1>

<%= render 'form' %>

As you can see theres no difference between the forms How can both templates render the same form but use different actions?

like image 477
Armeen Harwood Avatar asked Sep 03 '13 05:09

Armeen Harwood

3 Answers

It checks @test.persisted? If it is persisted then it is an edit form. If it isn't, it is a new form.

like image 185
Logan Serman Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 07:10

Logan Serman

It checks if the record is new or not.

@test.new_record? # if true then create action else update action
like image 37
shweta Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 08:10


If the @test instance variable is instantiated via the Test.new class method, then the create method is executed. If @test is an instance of Test that exists in the database, the update method is executed.

In other words:

# app/controllers/tests_controller.rb
def new
    @test = Test.new

<%= form_for(@test) |do| %> yields a block that is sent to the create controller method.

If, instead:

# app/controllers/tests_controller.rb
def edit
    @test = Test.find(params[:id])

<%= form_for(@test) |do| %> yields a block that is sent to the update controller method.


The precise function that Rails uses to recognize whether or not a record is new is the persisted? method.

like image 4
zeantsoi Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 07:10
