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How does containerd-shim create daemonless containers?



It has been stated that:

The shim allows for daemonless containers. It basically sits as the parent of the container's process to facilitate a few things.

It keeps the STDIO and other fds open for the container incase containerd and/or docker both die. If the shim was not running then the parent side of the pipes or the TTY master would be closed and the container would exit.

However from a process level, it appears that containerd spawns containerd-shim, so if containerd is down I would expect containerd-shim to go down too.

Can someone explain how containerd-shim can remain up if containerd/docker are down?

$ ps fxa | grep dockerd -A 3

 43449 pts/2    S+     0:00              \_ grep dockerd -A 3
117536 ?        Ssl  163:36 /usr/bin/containerd
 93633 ?        Sl     1:01  \_ containerd-shim -namespace moby -workdir /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.runtime.v1.linux/moby/8f75a1b32bb09611430ea55958b11a482b6c83ba2a75f7ca727301eb49a2770f -address /run/containerd/containerd.sock -containerd-binary /usr/bin/containerd -runtime-root /var/run/docker/runtime-runc

$ pstree -lpTs
           │                    │                       └─sh(8420)─┬─sshd(8512)
           │                    │                                  └─tail(8514)
           │                    ├─containerd-shim(13170)───bash(13198)
           │                    ├─containerd-shim(13545)───portainer(13577)
           │                    ├─containerd-shim(14156)───mysqld(14184)

           │                ├─docker-proxy(42713)
           │                ├─docker-proxy(42725)
           │                ├─docker-proxy(42736)
           │                └─docker-proxy(42749)

UPDATE: Based on the explanation provided in the accepted answer:

$ pstree -lpTs
           │                    │                       └─sh(8420)─┬─sshd(8512)
           │                    │                                  └─tail(8514)
           │                    ├─containerd-shim(13170)───bash(13198)
           │                    ├─containerd-shim(13545)───portainer(13577)
           │                    ├─containerd-shim(14156)───mysqld(14184)

$ sudo kill -9 117536

$ pstree -lpTs
           │                       └─sh(8420)─┬─sshd(8512)
           │                                  └─tail(8514)
like image 658
user Avatar asked Nov 12 '19 11:11


People also ask

What does containerd shim do?

A container runtime shim is a lightweight daemon launching runc and controlling the container process. The shim's process is tightly bound to the container's process but is completely detached from the manager's process. All the communications between the container and the manager happen through the shim.

Does containerd use RUNC?

Runc version requirements for containerdcontainerd is built with OCI support and with support for advanced features provided by the runc container runtime. Development ( -dev ) and pre-releases of containerd may depend features in runc that have not yet been released, and may require a specific runc build.

What is containerd shim Moby?

Containerd-shim is a child process of containerd that serves a single container and takes care of the container lifecycle and exposes its functions to containerd through containerd-shim API. This API is exposed over an abstract namespace Unix domain socket that is accessible from the root network namespace.

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You cannot use containerd to build container images. Linux images with containerd include the Docker binary so that you can use Docker to build and push images. However, we don't recommend using individual containers and local nodes to run commands to build images.

1 Answers

However from a process level, it appears that containerd spawns containerd-shim, so if containerd is down I would expect containerd-shim to go down too.

Child processes don't automatically die when their parent dies, they are simply re-parented to PID 1. systemd takes over as parent and containerd-shim continues running.

like image 134
John Kugelman Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

John Kugelman