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How does Chromium define a System File?



After enabling chrome://flags/#native-file-system-api in my chrome 83.0.4103.61, I tried to access a folder with this new API

handle = await window.chooseFileSystemEntries({type: 'open-directory'})

I get the following error message:

error message

(Can't open this folder because it contains system files.)

Can anyone please tell me what "system files" means/how they are detected and how I could access all but these "system files"?

like image 822
CFrei Avatar asked Jun 02 '20 13:06


People also ask

What does system file mean?

A system file is a critical file that is part of an operating system or a device driver. System files should be complete and present in a system for the system to function properly.

What does the system file contain?

It contains information, such as settings and configurations, that Windows needs to operate correctly. These files are critical to the operation of Windows, which is why you'll find that the OS hides them and places permissions to protect them from tampering.

What is an example of a system file?

Specific example of system files include the files with . sys filename extension in MS-DOS. In Windows NT family, the system files are mainly under the folder C:\Windows\System32 . In Mac OS they are in the System suitcase.

What is system file and folder?

What Does System File Mean? A system file is a critical document in a computer system without which it cannot operate correctly or at all. These files usually come as part of the operating system which it uses for its core operations or it may be part of a device driver or other type of resource.

1 Answers

They hard code it in a source file. This link will rot once they rename the file (has already happened a couple times) so the relevant contents as of this post are:

const struct {
  // base::BasePathKey value (or one of the platform specific extensions to it)
  // for a path that should be blocked. Specify kNoBasePathKey if |path| should
  // be used instead.
  int base_path_key;
  // Explicit path to block instead of using |base_path_key|. Set to nullptr to
  // use |base_path_key| on its own. If both |base_path_key| and |path| are set,
  // |path| is treated relative to the path |base_path_key| resolves to.
  const base::FilePath::CharType* path;
  // If this is set to kDontBlockChildren, only the given path and its parents
  // are blocked. If this is set to kBlockAllChildren, all children of the given
  // path are blocked as well. Finally if this is set to kBlockNestedDirectories
  // access is allowed to individual files in the directory, but nested
  // directories are still blocked.
  // The BlockType of the nearest ancestor of a path to check is what ultimately
  // determines if a path is blocked or not. If a blocked path is a descendent
  // of another blocked path, then it may override the child-blocking policy of
  // its ancestor. For example, if /home blocks all children, but
  // /home/downloads does not, then /home/downloads/file.ext will *not* be
  // blocked.
  BlockType type;
} kBlockedPaths[] = {
    // Don't allow users to share their entire home directory, entire desktop or
    // entire documents folder, but do allow sharing anything inside those
    // directories not otherwise blocked.
    {base::DIR_HOME, nullptr, kDontBlockChildren},
    {base::DIR_USER_DESKTOP, nullptr, kDontBlockChildren},
    {chrome::DIR_USER_DOCUMENTS, nullptr, kDontBlockChildren},
    // Similar restrictions for the downloads directory.
    {chrome::DIR_DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS, nullptr, kDontBlockChildren},
    {chrome::DIR_DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS_SAFE, nullptr, kDontBlockChildren},
    // The Chrome installation itself should not be modified by the web.
    {chrome::DIR_APP, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    // And neither should the configuration of at least the currently running
    // Chrome instance (note that this does not take --user-data-dir command
    // line overrides into account).
    {chrome::DIR_USER_DATA, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    // ~/.ssh is pretty sensitive on all platforms, so block access to that.
    {base::DIR_HOME, FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".ssh"), kBlockAllChildren},
    // And limit access to ~/.gnupg as well.
    {base::DIR_HOME, FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".gnupg"), kBlockAllChildren},
#if defined(OS_WIN)
    // Some Windows specific directories to block, basically all apps, the
    // operating system itself, as well as configuration data for apps.
    {base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    {base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILESX86, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    {base::DIR_PROGRAM_FILES6432, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    {base::DIR_WINDOWS, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    {base::DIR_APP_DATA, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    {base::DIR_LOCAL_APP_DATA, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    {base::DIR_COMMON_APP_DATA, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    // Opening a file from an MTP device, such as a smartphone or a camera, is
    // implemented by Windows as opening a file in the temporary internet files
    // directory. To support that, allow opening files in that directory, but
    // not whole directories.
    {base::DIR_IE_INTERNET_CACHE, nullptr, kBlockNestedDirectories},
#if defined(OS_MAC)
    // Similar Mac specific blocks.
    {base::DIR_APP_DATA, nullptr, kBlockAllChildren},
    {base::DIR_HOME, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Library"), kBlockAllChildren},
#if defined(OS_LINUX) || defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
    // On Linux also block access to devices via /dev, as well as security
    // sensitive data in /sys and /proc.
    {kNoBasePathKey, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/dev"), kBlockAllChildren},
    {kNoBasePathKey, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/sys"), kBlockAllChildren},
    {kNoBasePathKey, FILE_PATH_LITERAL("/proc"), kBlockAllChildren},
    // And block all of ~/.config, matching the similar restrictions on mac
    // and windows.
    {base::DIR_HOME, FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".config"), kBlockAllChildren},
    // Block ~/.dbus as well, just in case, although there probably isn't much a
    // website can do with access to that directory and its contents.
    {base::DIR_HOME, FILE_PATH_LITERAL(".dbus"), kBlockAllChildren},
    // TODO(https://crbug.com/984641): Refine this list, for example add
    // XDG_CONFIG_HOME when it is not set ~/.config?

Note the bug url: https://crbug.com/984641

like image 105
Rick Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 07:01
