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How does C# generics affect collections with primitives

As I understand it, C#/.Net generics support some degree of reification. So, if I have the following code:

List<int> list = new List<int>();

Will the value 1 be autoboxed or will the 'list' object handle primitive ints efficiently?

like image 971
Michael Barker Avatar asked Sep 18 '10 10:09

Michael Barker

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2 Answers

No, it won't be boxed. At execution time, the backing array for the List<int> will genuinely be an int[]. Note that this isn't just the case with genuine primitive types - List<T> won't box values of any value type (assuming it's been declared as List<Guid> etc rather than List<object>).

Basically, generics in .NET keep a lot more of their information than they do in Java - the CLR natively understands generics and deals with them appropriately, rather than in Java where the JVM is pretty much ignorant of them.

For example, if you write:

object list = new List<string>();
Type type = list.GetType();

Then type will be equal to typeof(List<string>) - which is then different to (say) List<Guid> etc.

like image 131
Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10

Jon Skeet

The int values will not be boxed within the list. This is one of the beauties with generics, that the compiler (more specifically the JIT-compiler, I believe) will construct a typed version of the List<> class, rather than storing the values as object. So it does not only enforce type safety through the exposed methods and properties, but it is genuinely typed in all aspects.

like image 22
Fredrik Mörk Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10

Fredrik Mörk