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How does Apple clang-703.0.29 map back to clang releases in terms of C++1x support?

I want to map Apple's clang which is shipped with Xcode back to the official clang feature list.

But I couldn't link the two. The version is obscured.

Is there a way to tell?

like image 622
Paul Beckingham Avatar asked Mar 25 '16 00:03

Paul Beckingham

1 Answers

I didn't quite understand why would you need such information, since they already claim full compatibility with C++11 spec.

Anyway, here's my take on it.

Please note that following steps will not reveal a clear answer but currently I can't think of a better approach to this.

  1. This developer curated list suggests that Apple LLVM version 7.3.0 clang 703.0.29 is bundled with Xcode 7.3 (7D175).
  2. When I go to the project page for clang in Apple Open Source website, unfortunately I can't see a directory for 703.0.29 build. Not yet at least.
  3. Whenever they release it, get it.
  4. Also, get official clang's trunk from http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project/cfe/trunk/
  5. Run tests named $OFFICIAL_CLANG_ROOT/test/SemaCXX/cxx11*.cpp over Apple's clang.
  6. Evaluate
like image 98
Cengiz Can Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 03:11

Cengiz Can