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How do you use custom errors and preserve the response code?

in my web.config blow you can see redirectMode="ResponseRewrite". I read this is what I need to preserve the status code. Unfortunately as soon as I have it in, I get:

"An exception occurred while processing your request. Additionally, another exception occurred while executing the custom error page for the first exception. The request has been terminated."

Omitting this variable successfully redirects me to ~/Error/Index.cshtml but has a response of 200. doh. Any direction would be hugely appreciated, thanks.

    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
    <customErrors mode="On" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite" defaultRedirect="~/Error/Index">
      <error statusCode="404" redirect="~/Error/Index"/>
      <error statusCode="500" redirect="~/Error/Index"/>
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
    <httpErrors errorMode="Custom" existingResponse="Auto" defaultResponseMode="ExecuteURL">
      <remove statusCode="403"/>
      <remove statusCode="404"/>
      <remove statusCode="500"/>
      <error statusCode="403" path="~/Error/Index" responseMode="File"/>
      <error statusCode="404" path="~/Error/Index" responseMode="File"/>
      <error statusCode="500" path="~/Error/Index" responseMode="File"/>

In my filterconfig.cs:

public class FilterConfig
        public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
            // does this conflict?
            filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
like image 553
Fred Johnson Avatar asked Dec 16 '14 19:12

Fred Johnson

People also ask

How do you throw a custom error?

With a custom exception object created, all we have to do is throw it like any other error: throw new CustomException('Exception message'); Another big advantage to extending the Error object, rather than throwing a generic error, is that additional metadata can be included with the error and retrieved later.

What are custom error codes?

Custom Error Codes are set aside for use when an existing error code does not adequately describe the error condition. The developer can define custom error codes that are specific to the application. They do not need to conform to any other application.

How use custom error page in asp net?

If you want to set your application level exception should redirect to your custom error page, you can do this by going to global. asax file and write the code for redirection in Application_Error method. For handling all the exception, you just need to write the code for redirection at catch section.

What is the purpose of a custom error page?

Custom error pages enable you to customize the pages that display when an error occurs. This makes your website appear more professional and also prevents visitors from leaving your site. If a visitor sees a generic error page, they are likely to leave your site.

1 Answers

Cannot remember where I saw this code, or what I changed, but it works fine in my MVC web app


    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5.1" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5.1" />
    <customErrors mode="Off" />


protected void Application_EndRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)


namespace Web.UI.Models.Errors
    public static class ErrorConfig
        public static void Handle(HttpContext context)
            switch (context.Response.StatusCode)
                case 401:
                    Show(context, 401);
                case 404:
                    Show(context, 404);
                case 500:
                    Show(context, 500);
        //TODO uncomment 500 error
        static void Show(HttpContext context, Int32 code)

            var w = new HttpContextWrapper(context);
            var c = new ErrorController() as IController;
            var rd = new RouteData();

            rd.Values["controller"] = "Error";
            rd.Values["action"] = "Index";
            rd.Values["id"] = code.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            c.Execute(new RequestContext(w, rd));


public class ErrorController : Controller
        // GET: Error
        public ViewResult Index(Int32? id)
            var statusCode = id.HasValue ? id.Value : 500;
            var error = new HandleErrorInfo(new Exception("An exception with error " + statusCode + " occurred!"), "Error", "Index");

            int errorCode = statusCode;
            ViewBag.error = errorCode;
            return View("Error");


namespace Web.UI.Models.Errors
    public class ErrorViewModel
        public string DisplayErrorMessage   { get; set; }
        public string DisplayErrorPageTitle { get; set; }

Then in shared folder error page add

@model Web.UI.Models.Errors.ErrorViewModel

    int errorCode = Convert.ToInt32(@ViewBag.error);

    switch (errorCode)
        case 404:
            ViewBag.Title = "404 Page Not Found";
        case 500:
            ViewBag.Title = "Error Occurred";
            ViewBag.Title = @Model.DisplayErrorPageTitle;

The above returns 404 status for page not found and 500 for error, hope it helps

like image 112
George Phillipson Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

George Phillipson