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How do you unwrap Swift optionals?


How do you properly unwrap both normal and implicit optionals?

There seems to be confusion in this topic and I would just like to have a reference for all of the ways and how they are useful.

There are currently two ways to create optionals:

var optionalString: String?  var implicitOptionalString: String! 

What are all the ways to unwrap both? Also, what is the difference between using ! and ? during the unwrapping?

like image 705
ktzhang Avatar asked Aug 08 '14 03:08


1 Answers

There are many similarities and just a handful of differences.

(Regular) Optionals

  • Declaration: var opt: Type?

  • Unsafely unwrapping: let x = opt!.property // error if opt is nil

  • Safely testing existence : if opt != nil { ... someFunc(opt!) ... } // no error

  • Safely unwrapping via binding: if let x = opt { ... someFunc(x) ... } // no error

  • Safely chaining: var x = opt?.property // x is also Optional, by extension

  • Safely coalescing nil values: var x = opt ?? nonOpt

Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals

  • Declaration: var opt: Type!

  • Unsafely unwrapping (implicit): let x = opt.property // error if opt is nil

    • Unsafely unwrapping via assignment:
      let nonOpt: Type = opt // error if opt is nil

    • Unsafely unwrapping via parameter passing:
      func someFunc(nonOpt: Type) ... someFunc(opt) // error if opt is nil

  • Safely testing existence: if opt != nil { ... someFunc(opt) ... } // no error

  • Safely chaining: var x = opt?.property // x is also Optional, by extension

  • Safely coalescing nil values: var x = opt ?? nonOpt

like image 84
jtbandes Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 11:11
